Tuesday, March 29, 2011

200 Year Old Story

We just closed the show A Little Night Music by Stephen Sondheim. Our production was placed at the turn of the 19/20th century. So lots of corsets, big sleeves, and heavy skirts.

If you aren't a theatre person you might not know how all of this works.  First, a lot of costumers have the actors wear the proper undergarments even though they might never be seen by the audience. That is because the underpropers are often responsible for the shape/silhouette of the costume. So it does make a big difference as to how the costume reads to the audience. Certainly the audience might not know the historical difference from one shape to another, but some costumers would say that it informs the performance of the actor and helps create a character. I am no costume designer, but I work in the costume shop as part of my graduate assistantship.

I do a lot of hemming and a lot of cleaning and organizing. Nothing amazing, but I do take a lot of pride in my work and really enjoy seeing things I have worked on grace the stage. And then... the show closes and there is the lovely strike of the set and costumes. Basically that means that the set gets taken/torn apart, some of it goes in to storage and some of it winds up in the trash. Costumes on the other hand get put into storage. But of course- they have to be cleaned first.

Lots of shows (especially modern/non-period pieces) go straight into the Costume Shop's washing machine and dryer. Some of the more elaborate and frufru costumes get dry cleaned- especially things like suits and coats and other stuff that you dry clean in real life. But then we have some specialty items.  And for this show... that was the 20some corsets worn by the female members of this rather large cast.

And here now we have gotten to the root of this blog entry. I volunteered to clean, by hand, in a sink all of these corsets. Frankly I don't mind cleaning things, I hate hanging things back up in the storage (dust ball central) and kinda wanted the bragging rights of saying I tackled all of those corsets.

But as I was cleaning them and my hands were getting wrinkly and dried out I began thinking. As I switched between washbasins and rinsed each on individually I realized what I was doing was the same thing women did 200 years ago. There is no different or new way to wash a corset. Now certainly I had more modern soaps and water that came out of a tap and was warm automatically, but in the end, I was still standing bent over a basin in a dark basement-y room washing underpropers.

I have always been a person who wonders what has happened in "this place" sometime in history. The costume shop has its own history - at one point it was a dissection room for the science department- but I just thought of all the women who had washed corsets. What were they thinking, what was crossing their minds? Were they washing their own or were they too doing it to earn money.

Yes, before you get all negative nancy on me, yes I realize my cleaning corsets in 2011, in a heated building, at my graduate school, so I can pay for "fun" stuff is very different than women in times past. I know that. But it really just made me appreciate all of my opportunities and conveniences that I enjoy daily.

When I finished I placed them all in a large tub and walked outside into the 40 or so degree weather. It was sunny and bright out with very little wind but the air was crisp and cold. I twisted a line between some trees and began to hang these corsets on the line- Lord knows you don't put them in a dryer!

People were walking by because of the change of classes and as I put each on the line I saw the hot water turn into steam and evaporate off into the air. It was a really interesting and moving experience. I have taken Feminist Theory this semester and it has challenged my thinking in some ways. Combine that with my upcoming nuptials and I've had "womanhood" on my mind a lot lately.

I really want to seek a balance. I want to take care of my family and I also want to chase my dreams. I am blessed to have a partner who supports me and my desires, and a set of parents who have provided a great example.

But for about an hour it was kind of delightful to imagine the life I would have led 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 200 years ago. What Lauren would do if she was living in those times. How would I be different? Would I have ever gone to the theatre? How would I have ever met a man from Iowa? Shoot, would I have lived to see 23? Gasp- would I already have children by now? Would I have been a scholar? I really enjoyed imaginging.

Oh and I'm really thankful that I have to log off to go put jeans in the dryer. Even if it does mean having to put shoes on and walk 50 feet. I won't complain. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday with the Sisterwives.

Hello readers. It has been forever. Seems to be happening that way a lot lately.

I am watching Sisterwives on TLC - I know you're surprised- and blogging. I just have been super duper stressed because of school and life and the weather got bad again. Its amazing how the weather can impact my mood.

Last time I blogged I was at Chase's house and I had just finished updating the wedding website (go here to see it) and I was enjoying the little bit warmer weather. I got to see my parents over my spring break and they liked my wedding dress-- which made me really happy. We got to have lots of fun trying it on and taking pictures. Chase of course was no privy to that moment. :) Still secret. We had a lovely time together in L'burg and the drive back (which included a stop at our beloved  Trader Joe's) was easy and didn't require us to go through the mountains of West Virginia. Thank you LORD.

The week of having Chase around and going to school was stressful but worth it. It was just a nice week.

And then Chaser left. And wham the clouds came. Its cruddy to have such long time to be apart. And as soon as I type that I bite my tongue thinking of all the wives and husbands who have spouses overseas for months and years at a time. Cannot Imagine. Those people are super heroes. Anyway.

The best thing that happened this week is still up in the air. And I will update soon/later in the week once things are more settled. It mostly has to do with my thesis writing and my stress levels. As soon as things are more in concrete I'll post it for the world to see.

I am so excited because I am going to go see my Emily this weekend. I cannot wait. CANNOT Wait.

Alright. This is a brief blog, too much to cover so instead I will go eat ice cream.

Thats all.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Loving Lynchburg

Hello Faithful Readers-- It has been a while.

I come to you from Chase's kitchen table. He is working on homework-- I should be too-- instead I am watching America's Next Top Model... I have my priorities straight.
I have had a great time here in the L'Burger.  My parents met us the first couple of days and we had so much fun with them. I really enjoy my parents. And... they loved my wedding dress. No I am not posting photos.  Y'all will just have to wait until after the wedding.

We were talking about what we wanted for the wedding. We're just really focusing on having a small intimate family wedding. Which is great because we have big families so it will be small but not sparse. I think that makes sense. I just want a Kitchen Aid Mixer in Yellow. Oh and to marry Chase :) The only other wedding update is that we picked the tuxedos for the guys. Just a little bit funky tuxedo one step away from the classic style.

We got to eat amazing food. We went one night to Rivermont Pizza. Whew it is a great place to eat! We got three different kinds of pizza, and of course my favorite was a BBQ Hawaiian Chicken and Ham pizza. Whew-- amazing. They also have some really great spinach artichoke dip. It was me, my parents, my Chaser, Erin [Chase's Sister], and Martha. Mart is my roommate from Liberty and she is just one of those friends everyone should have. She's happy, fun, interesting, and so wonderful to be around. I like her a little bit.

After Thomas Road on Sunday (which is amazing mostly because of the music!) we went to Depot Grille. I had the Buffalo Shrimp wrap. Love love love it. I eat it every time I go there. And am totally okay with that.

Of course we shopped while here. You cannot go to Lynchburg with out going to the JCrew Outlets. I got some great great stuff. Very happy. I found a dress that I have been wanting forever and it was only 60 bucks. Heck yes I bought it. It even has pockets!

(see how cute!)

Now we have reached Thursday and I should finally start my homework. I have to write a 10-12 page paper that "discusses some of the mulitiple ways in which Foucauldian concepts and frameworks have been used in the service of feminist critiques." Yeah. Exciting. Hahah.

I have a hot date with one Miss Erin Victoria this afternoon. I think we're going to this cute new tea place in town. Its fun to have new sisters to play with! Its all of the fun with out the fighting. We are planning to leave Sunday or maybe Saturday. Its an eight hour drive home. Whew. I 'm pulling the middle four shift. Hope Chaser is willing to listen to some NPR podcasts!

Thanks for keeping up with my blog. Life has been super busy lately. But soon I'll be back to the grind of work and will be desperately seeking ways to escape = more blogging will happen!

Friday, March 4, 2011


has started.

I'll soon be blogging from Lynchburg!
Pray for safe flights!