- sorry this isn't the Tina Fey Version-
- this is - ( a clip of Tina)
For those of you who read yesterday's post I thought I would give you a little update of my CRAZY productive day!
I worked from 9am till 1pm. I wrote 7 pages! 7 whole pages! I was ridiculously happy and relatively confident in what I wrote. Which - let me tell you- that is a really great feeling. Really great.
I went to the library on campus and picked up the 21 books I had requested to be put on hold. I love that about the BGSU library. I can go through the the card catalogue and request the books that I would like to checkout and then a day or two later the librarians have pulled them from the shelves for you and you just go pick them up from the circulation desk. Very very awesome. Currently I have at least 75 books checked out. Pretty ridiculous. I actually use them, they aren't just sitting there as decoration!
Then - one of my favorite things in the world - I went grocery shopping. I was smart and didn't buy lots of junk. I just like to grocery shop. Now to be honest I only like it once I get there. But once I am there, even if it is Wal-Mart, I like to grocery shopping. Wait, let me fix that. Wal-Mart has terrrrrible produce. It rots by the time you get home. Ahh super-stores. What was I expecting?
Anyway. Came home and took a nap. Glorious nap.
Oh! Let me make a recipe recommendation. I baked some salmon with just lime juice on it. While it cooked (12 minutes at 375-turn once) I made a salad of the weedy type of lettuce (yes I know it has a proper name but I like calling it weedy) with kalamata olives, marinated artichoke hearts, and sun-dried tomatoes. Once the salmon was done I let it cool for a minute, cut it up in little little pieces added it to the salad and squeezed more lime juice on top of it all. Amamamamzing.
Then back to work. I got to page 16 and was 3 pages of text and a bibliography ahead of my goal for the day. Heck yes.
So today is church and work day. Going to start with a cup of coffee and some oatmeal. And then.. dun dun dun back to work until church time.
Today's goal is to finish writing my prospectus. Edit it tomorrow morning and send it to my advisor by 9am. A very obtainable goal-- Lord willing.
Again, I'll be busy until 1:00p and breaking until 3:00p. If you want to chat contact me then!
To end this post- I found this amazing photograph of the world's most perfect reading nook. Don't know when I'll have one like it- but I feel that is a pretty great goal.