So the Rapture is supposed to happen tomorrow evening. The way I look at it is that I am set and ready to go! If it happens tomorrow okay, if it happens tonight okay, if it doesn't happen in my lifetime okay. The only thing that this whole "end of the world" buzz has done for me is cause me to really consider how I "share the gospel" or how I tell others about what I believe and how it is important to me. At the risk of turning some readers off, I want to share with everyone that I have began praying for opportunities to share my faith with others and perhaps have them to come to realize how important my relationship with the Lord has become in my life.
But, I hope the world doesn't end tomorrow, I have a thesis I want to conquer, a wedding dress to wear, and a wonderful man to marry. So Lord... if its your will... wait another eighty years. -Hahah.
I met with my thesis advisor today and planned out more work to do over the summer. He's not on contract for the summer so he technically can't do any advising or stuff like that. And hey, he deserves summer break too! So we sat around and figured some stuff out and I am excited to start working on it everyday. Beginning Monday, I will work from 8-10 on my thesis, go to class from 11-1230, take a break from 12-200 and then work from 2-4. I love a routine.
I am also trying to figure out a trip to NYC to see The Book of Mormon. I am in the process of getting all the logistics organized. Also trying to figure out the moving to Iowa process. Meaning what is the cheapest and most effective way of getting my stuff from here to there...
And on top of those two (fun) things I am trying to figure out my teaching licenses for Iowa and substituting in NC. Its harder for me to substitute in NC then actually teach in Iowa. If anyone who reads this has connections- make it happen!
I just want to have a job from August-October. A temp job or something anything. Something hopefully above minimum wage... I'm trusting the Lord to make it happen...
So. What else. Nothing much.
My save the dates and new sewing machine arrive tomorrow! Wonderful! I am looking for good sewing projects to get started- send me your ideas.
Short and simple blog.
Two newlyweds, living in Iowa, working too much, and seeing how long we can go without "Nuking" any leftovers.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Breakfast Blogging
Good Morning World. School has started again and now I'm back to the routine (which I love!)
I am drinking some coffee and trying to catch up on Glee - the Prom episode - you know a normal Tuesday Morning. This last couple of days, the last week or so, has been crazy crazy. Between driving to Lynchburg, surprising my Mom, driving back to Lynchburg, Graduation, and driving home I've been kind of busy. So where should I start.... I was doing my Summer Count Down... so I stopped at what day? Oh yes...
Basically, these days were gloriously unexciting. The beach was amazing. A little chilly at times, but in general really nice and relaxing. Just a little bit of sunburn :) For dinner we had Marrakesh which is an awesome Mediterranean restaurant. I could eat their falafel about three or four times a week and they have the world's most awesome mint tea. My most loyal blog readers will remember the first time I went there with my parents... I'm really glad that they are still open- J'ville has the reputation of forcing good restaurants to close. MONDAY AND TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY
Tuesday was a lazy day. And by that I mean naps, movies, and thats pretty much it. I did go to Target and get some sweet sun glasses. On sale... the left lens pops out sometimes. But I can deal with that. Haha.
Wednesday we casually left after a lunch with my Mom at her school, of course we had Chik-Fil-A, what else would I choose?
About an hour from the Burg we get a call from Erin, Chase's sister, telling us that something was wrong with the car... and this is where it all began. Dun Dun Dun. The stress Monster invaded. Something was smelly about his engine--WOAH GLEE IS COVERING "FRIDAY" I will admit I like this song a lot... Haters keep hating- and Erin was worried... well lets just make a LONG story short and skip to
Chase woke up really early to get the car stuff started. We drove it over there and dropped it off. And started packing... and napping. :) Hehe Logan and Bridgwertettee ( Brigitte apparently likes it when people spell her name creatively) got to come earlier than planned so they joined us at RIVERMONT PIZZA! Woot what a wonderful night. A wonderful group friends, amazing food, and lots of laughing. Lots and lots of Laughing. Kevin, Martha, and Josh joined the McCool gang and my heart was just bursting with happiness. There are few things I love more then having my friends together and eating good food. This night was great. Even though the car was being dumb. I could eat Rivermont Pizza's spinach dip and pizza until I explode.
These kind of things are some of the most important things in my life- no not spinach dip and pizza but rather- being with my friends and just enjoying each other. I may have not graduated from Liberty, I might have made some dumb decisions while I was there, and I might have said some bad stuff about it at one time or another, but in the end there are some amazing people at that school people who have laughed with me, taken care of me, and love me regardless. And oh there is also ELMER TOWNS. I love that man. He signed a book for me this weekend. Woot. My parents stayed at his secretary's house and she found out about my adoration for Elmer and had him sign his new book God Laughs for me. Let's just say, at the end of the day, I am pro-Liberty, mostly. hehe.
These kind of things are some of the most important things in my life- no not spinach dip and pizza but rather- being with my friends and just enjoying each other. I may have not graduated from Liberty, I might have made some dumb decisions while I was there, and I might have said some bad stuff about it at one time or another, but in the end there are some amazing people at that school people who have laughed with me, taken care of me, and love me regardless. And oh there is also ELMER TOWNS. I love that man. He signed a book for me this weekend. Woot. My parents stayed at his secretary's house and she found out about my adoration for Elmer and had him sign his new book God Laughs for me. Let's just say, at the end of the day, I am pro-Liberty, mostly. hehe.
- cue music-
4562 Gallons of Stress and Car Issues
2342 Cups of Things to pack in Chase's Apartment
4 Parents arriving in town
1 Sister also arriving
5 Dinners at Osaka (plus one Drink for Kevin)
1 Baccalaureate Service (make sure its super fresh, and has an amazing speaker...)
Mix together in a day with too few hours and shake until Saturday.
We decided to not go to the BIG ceremony (which would have meant waking up crazy early and fighting the undergraduate masses) and went out for breakfast as one big McCool/Zawi family. Awesome choice. The best graduation choice EVER. Lets just say Famous Anthony's has the best cinnamon rolls I have ever had in my life! (They are huge, fresh, fluffy, and warm!) Cue the photos of the day (and yes I will be using the 1960's function on Picnik):
So after brunch we made our way over to the campus, found parking super fast, and had plenty of time to kill at before the ceremony -- which was in Towns-Alumni Lecture Hall. Yeah. Go Elmer.
Cue more photos:
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B and Logan with my Dad. Apparently my Dad is actually not talking to them and talking to someone else- but this photo at least shows the FA sign. |
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The Beautiful Amber making a kind of scary face because they have fried Bologna Omelettes - or something similar. I don't exactly remember. |
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Happy Parents of the Law School Graduate- Mom and Dad McCool! |
So after brunch we made our way over to the campus, found parking super fast, and had plenty of time to kill at before the ceremony -- which was in Towns-Alumni Lecture Hall. Yeah. Go Elmer.
Cue more photos:
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Dean Staver clapping for Chaser |
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Chase receiving his Juris Doctorate (and his snazzy hood) |
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My Chaser in the middle of the group photo |
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Chase P. McCool, J.D.
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Where it all (sort of) began- who would have ever known that we would be getting married- I totally thought he hated me! |
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The Gang on the illustrious steps of DeMoss |
Now I am home. The drive yesterday was kinda ridiculous. Nothing exciting, I am listening to a book called The Little Book simply awesome. Time travel, love, intrigue, lots of exciting stuff. The girls were caravan-ing with me. We struggled a little bit, drove through some ghettos and stuff like that. But we are good. We made it. And basically fell asleep immediately. We tried to watch some of The King's Speech but we didn't really make it very far.
I slept so very very well.
I went to my Period, Style, and Form class with the amazing Margaret (the professor) yesterday. Talk about a history/dramaturgy geeks dream. Really looking forward to this class. I might be the only one and that is totally okay.
The girls and I repacked the cars. Whew my OCD becomes really handy sometimes. We finished the day in BG with bread sticks from Campus Pollyeyes. And they headed to their next destination. Some errands were ran and I made my way home. Lazy evening. Early to bed. And wham. It is morning.
Massively long , cups of coffee, an episode of Community and one of Bones, and time to get ready for the day.
I went to my Period, Style, and Form class with the amazing Margaret (the professor) yesterday. Talk about a history/dramaturgy geeks dream. Really looking forward to this class. I might be the only one and that is totally okay.
The girls and I repacked the cars. Whew my OCD becomes really handy sometimes. We finished the day in BG with bread sticks from Campus Pollyeyes. And they headed to their next destination. Some errands were ran and I made my way home. Lazy evening. Early to bed. And wham. It is morning.
Massively long , cups of coffee, an episode of Community and one of Bones, and time to get ready for the day.
I love a routine. Love love love it. Makes me and my OCDness feel great.
Almost as great as being with my friends, my future husband, and my future brother and sisters at an awesome pizza place on a warm night.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just a second!
New blog post - full of graduation pictures and carrepairstress- is on its way...
I have to go to class!
I have to go to class!
Monday, May 9, 2011
17 Days of Summer- Days 6 through 11
Okay, I have not forgotten about you dearest blog readers. I have been living a lie the last couple of days and couldn't let my blog spoil devious plots.
Basically, I was trying to surprise my Mom for Mother's day. It was a success. Here's the back story since Wednesday! (I've been waiting a while to post this- now we'll do to a little time traveling!)
Today is a day based around Call of the Canyon, which happens to be my favorite sandwich place in BG. I spent this morning finishing my paper (woke up at 6am- always work better in the Morning) and cleaning up the house/packing to leave tomorrow for Liz's. Its so nice to just work at things leisurely. I walked to school to do one last return of books, turn in my Feminist Theory Paper, and pick up something from the costume shop. The weather was nice-ish... nicer than it has been... and it felt good to get things all wrapped up and closed.
I joined my cohort for lunch/a final at CotC and they were surprised that I put coleslaw on my sandwich. Hey- what can I say?- it tastes great. We chatted about the class, what worked, what didn't, and just general chatting. Once leaving CotC I returned home to be lazy. Nap time! Nap time! Wonderful! Then I basically got up from my nap and went back to CotC. Haha. This time I had their Key Lime Pie. Wonderful. I was having such a great time I almost missed my yoga class. They ladies that work in the costume shop have really been a huge blessing this semester. Its just nice to chat and work together and I love all of the info and skills I learned. I know I was originally not looking forward to spending time in the costume shop rather than the box office- but I am really glad that I did. It was one of my favorite parts of this semester. As I got home I realized yoga was starting in 5 minutes so I threw my clothes off, switched to work out clothes and literally ran keys in hand to yoga. No wallet, no phone, no nothing except myself and my keys. That is commitment.
Taking yoga at Radiance Studio has been the salve to my soul this last couple of weeks! It helps me to calm down and relax physically which allows me to process things better mentally. And I love that its so close to my house! I will take as much yoga as I can while I am in BG. I really hope to find a studio that I like as much in Iowa or while I'm at home in J'ville.
Tonight has ended with watching America's Next Top Model and Top Chef. I was particularly glad with who got kicked off ANTM. :) No spoilers - don't worry. I have lots of strawberries in my fridge. Lots lots lots. We'll see if they get eaten by the time I leave.
Time to organize my costumes for class tomorrow and then relax some more. Maybe a nice long bath! Yep. Pretty sure thats the plan!
Basically, I was trying to surprise my Mom for Mother's day. It was a success. Here's the back story since Wednesday! (I've been waiting a while to post this- now we'll do to a little time traveling!)
Today is a day based around Call of the Canyon, which happens to be my favorite sandwich place in BG. I spent this morning finishing my paper (woke up at 6am- always work better in the Morning) and cleaning up the house/packing to leave tomorrow for Liz's. Its so nice to just work at things leisurely. I walked to school to do one last return of books, turn in my Feminist Theory Paper, and pick up something from the costume shop. The weather was nice-ish... nicer than it has been... and it felt good to get things all wrapped up and closed.
I joined my cohort for lunch/a final at CotC and they were surprised that I put coleslaw on my sandwich. Hey- what can I say?- it tastes great. We chatted about the class, what worked, what didn't, and just general chatting. Once leaving CotC I returned home to be lazy. Nap time! Nap time! Wonderful! Then I basically got up from my nap and went back to CotC. Haha. This time I had their Key Lime Pie. Wonderful. I was having such a great time I almost missed my yoga class. They ladies that work in the costume shop have really been a huge blessing this semester. Its just nice to chat and work together and I love all of the info and skills I learned. I know I was originally not looking forward to spending time in the costume shop rather than the box office- but I am really glad that I did. It was one of my favorite parts of this semester. As I got home I realized yoga was starting in 5 minutes so I threw my clothes off, switched to work out clothes and literally ran keys in hand to yoga. No wallet, no phone, no nothing except myself and my keys. That is commitment.
Taking yoga at Radiance Studio has been the salve to my soul this last couple of weeks! It helps me to calm down and relax physically which allows me to process things better mentally. And I love that its so close to my house! I will take as much yoga as I can while I am in BG. I really hope to find a studio that I like as much in Iowa or while I'm at home in J'ville.
Tonight has ended with watching America's Next Top Model and Top Chef. I was particularly glad with who got kicked off ANTM. :) No spoilers - don't worry. I have lots of strawberries in my fridge. Lots lots lots. We'll see if they get eaten by the time I leave.
Time to organize my costumes for class tomorrow and then relax some more. Maybe a nice long bath! Yep. Pretty sure thats the plan!
Ahhh today is over! I am done with this second semester! It has been a busy busy day. This morning was the final exam for costume design, packing, and getting on the road to Liz's. I am having a great time here! First of all, I love her boys. They are about the greatest kids ever. The older one is a little quieter and more serious than his silly silly little brother. But they make a great pair. And it is so cool to get to see Brad and Liz. I cannnnot believe its been almost ten years since I met them! Woah. They are a great couple and I'm glad that I got to see them. We went to a great resturant for dinner.. but dessert took the prize! We went to a gourmet ice cream store called Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams. Here are the two kinds I had...
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Goat Cheese with Cognac Fig Sauce Mackenzie Creamery, super fresh goat cheese with pockets of saucy cognac soaked figs and almonds. A lighter, more ethereal cheesecake with Courvoisier and figs. |
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Lime Cardamom Yogurt Creamy, light, piquant, heavenly. Organic yogurt, mixed with the Indian spice cardamom, delivers a intensely cool, flavorful taste. A perfect after-dinner selection. |
So lovely bloggers! I am here again. The surprising of my mom for Mother's Day was totally awesome. She was soo happy. It was great. So recap of the last few days.
Thursday - went to chick-fil-a for breakfast! Very Very awesome! I really love some Chicken Minis. Then the drive began... and eight hours and one car wreck deposition later I made it to Chase's. We went to Osaka for dinner. Holy Cow that place is amazing, cheap, and sooo tasty. See photo of food below.
Thursday - went to chick-fil-a for breakfast! Very Very awesome! I really love some Chicken Minis. Then the drive began... and eight hours and one car wreck deposition later I made it to Chase's. We went to Osaka for dinner. Holy Cow that place is amazing, cheap, and sooo tasty. See photo of food below.
My (already eaten shrimp and) teriyaki and rice. With lots of yum yum sauce! Woot! |
Saturday morning we went to Market on Main, which was pretty good- except for the cheese grits. Not good at all. Not cheesy and not grits. But the company was great. Me and Erin and Chaser. Erin was talking about her art and graduate school- she's soo talented. She made these mugs and I just love them!
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I really love these face mugs she made! Maybe she'll let me and Chaser have some! |
We dropped her off with her friends and made our way home- secretly- and made it to surprise my Mom and we had a great time eating at Jeff's and going to Dairy Queen. We began to watch Black Swan but we were all too tired to make that work. So we all fell asleep about 10pm
Yesterday, Sunday was Church and Mother's day festivities. It was wonderful. My mom was sooo happy to have us home. We got to see my grandmother and sweet baby precious Zoe... oh and her parents Megan and Chris. Chase and I now (on Monday) are headed out to the beach! Woot! The water is probably too cold but it will be nice just to be there and relax and absorb the sun that doesn't seem to shine in Ohio.
So I thank you for sticking with me through all of this blogpost... and your reward is a photo of the most perfect "niece" I have!
Yesterday, Sunday was Church and Mother's day festivities. It was wonderful. My mom was sooo happy to have us home. We got to see my grandmother and sweet baby precious Zoe... oh and her parents Megan and Chris. Chase and I now (on Monday) are headed out to the beach! Woot! The water is probably too cold but it will be nice just to be there and relax and absorb the sun that doesn't seem to shine in Ohio.
So I thank you for sticking with me through all of this blogpost... and your reward is a photo of the most perfect "niece" I have!
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Yeah. She's fabulous. |
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
17 Days of Summer- Day 4&5
Yesterday was day four, today is day five. Okay that was the obvious part of the blog.
I have been very lazy (Okay maybe thats obvious too...) the last couple of days. Lots of naps, not a lot of working. Yesterday (Monday) was pretty productive but that is simply because things are starting to become due. I just finished my annotated bibliography for Feminist Theory and now I am avoiding finishing my paper. But once I do... Once I finally do... I will have finished yet another semester of graduate school.
I will leave the house today to go to the pizza party at school. Maybe, its raining and gross out and that would require me getting dressed into real clothes. Wow. Thats pretty sad. I get to go home soon. So soon. As soon as things are wrapped up here I am on my way to Chase and my Parents. Cannot wait. In all honesty they are the motivating factor everyday. Just keep going- whatever gets you through.
Oh and shopping. That gets me through too ;) Yesterday I went to Target to return somethings and of course I bought some more. Like this bathing suit:
I um... also... bought some shoes. They were on sale! I had to! Oh goodness. I am capitalism's slave. There I said it. The healing can now begin... as long as I don't have to stop shopping. :)
Just a reminder kids Mother's Day is the weekend. At least send her a snail mail card. Its the least you can do. After all she did put up with you at your worst.
I'm getting frustrated with this car-wreck-court-case that I am involved in right now. Yes. I did rear-end someone. Five years ago-- and just now we're getting around to the actual case. Bleck. I am supposed to give a deposition this Friday around 1:30. But I might have to give it in the presence of a court reporter. But I dont know. The other side's lawyer hasn't let me know. I am just getting a little impatient. Cause if I don't have to be with the court reporter then I can leave earlier to go see my Chaser.
I really should start editing. Part of the problem is that my paper is already 10 pages long and there is a lot more left to add. I don't know how to make that happen. I'm stuck. I hoped I could make it longer, but the professor wants it conference length. Which is the best method, but doesn't make my life any easier! So thats tonight. Plus dinner with Slade and Christina. Oh and - of course- Glee.
My blogs have been dull lately. Thats cause life has been dull lately. I am really looking forward to warmer weather and time to go to the park and read. I know I shouldn't totally live life waiting for things to happen- I'm working on it..
Oh btw we're about 171 days from the wedding.
I have been very lazy (Okay maybe thats obvious too...) the last couple of days. Lots of naps, not a lot of working. Yesterday (Monday) was pretty productive but that is simply because things are starting to become due. I just finished my annotated bibliography for Feminist Theory and now I am avoiding finishing my paper. But once I do... Once I finally do... I will have finished yet another semester of graduate school.
I will leave the house today to go to the pizza party at school. Maybe, its raining and gross out and that would require me getting dressed into real clothes. Wow. Thats pretty sad. I get to go home soon. So soon. As soon as things are wrapped up here I am on my way to Chase and my Parents. Cannot wait. In all honesty they are the motivating factor everyday. Just keep going- whatever gets you through.
Oh and shopping. That gets me through too ;) Yesterday I went to Target to return somethings and of course I bought some more. Like this bathing suit:
And I also bought one that is yellow and really classic, but I can't find a photo of just the suit (with out a model who needs a cheeseburger) so you'll just have to trust me on that one.
I um... also... bought some shoes. They were on sale! I had to! Oh goodness. I am capitalism's slave. There I said it. The healing can now begin... as long as I don't have to stop shopping. :)
Just a reminder kids Mother's Day is the weekend. At least send her a snail mail card. Its the least you can do. After all she did put up with you at your worst.
I'm getting frustrated with this car-wreck-court-case that I am involved in right now. Yes. I did rear-end someone. Five years ago-- and just now we're getting around to the actual case. Bleck. I am supposed to give a deposition this Friday around 1:30. But I might have to give it in the presence of a court reporter. But I dont know. The other side's lawyer hasn't let me know. I am just getting a little impatient. Cause if I don't have to be with the court reporter then I can leave earlier to go see my Chaser.
I really should start editing. Part of the problem is that my paper is already 10 pages long and there is a lot more left to add. I don't know how to make that happen. I'm stuck. I hoped I could make it longer, but the professor wants it conference length. Which is the best method, but doesn't make my life any easier! So thats tonight. Plus dinner with Slade and Christina. Oh and - of course- Glee.
My blogs have been dull lately. Thats cause life has been dull lately. I am really looking forward to warmer weather and time to go to the park and read. I know I shouldn't totally live life waiting for things to happen- I'm working on it..
Oh btw we're about 171 days from the wedding.
Monday, May 2, 2011
17 Days of Summer- Day 3
I [like the rest of America that hasn't already gone to bed] am watching the news waiting for the president to give his statement about the death of Osama Bin Laden. And I keep wondering what George W. Bush is thinking and saying right now. Obviously the war on terror isn't over and probably will never be over, but I wonder what ol' W is saying to Laura.
Of course I saw the news on Facebook first.
Of course Facebook is covered in comments about Bin Laden. Some people are being angry some people are questioning why the government released this now, some people are apathetic. It doesn't really seem real. I wonder what happens now. Will their be retaliation? Will anything change or is this just a symbolic victory? I wonder how many military spouses are wishing this was a bigger deal, that the war would now be over and done. I called my parents and told them. They reacted the same way I did "Oh Really?" I mean what is the right answer
I had lots of silly things to blog about tonight. Like how I put in a new contact ON TOP of the old one-- meaning didn't take out the old one and didn't realize it for a few hours. Or how annoyed I am about this car crash case thing that I'm having to deal with this week. Or how I took two naps today and watched a lot of Law and Order.
Tomorrow is finish my annotated bibliography day and work on editing my paper for Wednesday. Lots of work and no work-- all the same.
Two Minutes till the president goes on Air. Chase and I are both on our computers talking to eachother via g-chat and waiting for Obama. It for sure was Military led operation. Wonder if anyone I know was involved.
Wow. How does Obama actually sleep at night. I have a hard enough time with papers looming over my head.
Praise God, no Americans were Harmed.
I wonder who wrote this speech. This part about not being against Islam is a brilliant move.
I have a copy of one of those letters.
Justice has been done?
I also give thanks for those who serve our country. And those who served our country.
Determined Americans
Equality for all citizens?
Sacrifices to make the world safer
Not just wealth or power but because we are one nation under God.
Chase and I are now chatting. I said....
Chase is right. We should pray for our President more. Regardless of our personal opinions of him and his polticial actions. The Bible calls for us to pray for our leaders and it seems like we only do so when we feel like he(or someday she) following our wishes.
Woah a statement from Bush! -Listening- There it is again. That word Justice.
Justice is hard to define. Sounds so cheesy to say that. I'm just listening to all the statements from different groups. Doesn't ease the pain or bring back loved ones but it does bring comfort.
Just watching the president walk down that hallway alone. Can you imagine the weight on his shoulders.
im really emotional
Just thinking lots.
Of course I saw the news on Facebook first.
Of course Facebook is covered in comments about Bin Laden. Some people are being angry some people are questioning why the government released this now, some people are apathetic. It doesn't really seem real. I wonder what happens now. Will their be retaliation? Will anything change or is this just a symbolic victory? I wonder how many military spouses are wishing this was a bigger deal, that the war would now be over and done. I called my parents and told them. They reacted the same way I did "Oh Really?" I mean what is the right answer
I had lots of silly things to blog about tonight. Like how I put in a new contact ON TOP of the old one-- meaning didn't take out the old one and didn't realize it for a few hours. Or how annoyed I am about this car crash case thing that I'm having to deal with this week. Or how I took two naps today and watched a lot of Law and Order.
Tomorrow is finish my annotated bibliography day and work on editing my paper for Wednesday. Lots of work and no work-- all the same.
Two Minutes till the president goes on Air. Chase and I are both on our computers talking to eachother via g-chat and waiting for Obama. It for sure was Military led operation. Wonder if anyone I know was involved.
Wow. How does Obama actually sleep at night. I have a hard enough time with papers looming over my head.
Praise God, no Americans were Harmed.
I wonder who wrote this speech. This part about not being against Islam is a brilliant move.
I have a copy of one of those letters.
Justice has been done?
I also give thanks for those who serve our country. And those who served our country.
Determined Americans
Equality for all citizens?
Sacrifices to make the world safer
Not just wealth or power but because we are one nation under God.
Chase and I are now chatting. I said....
Chase is right. We should pray for our President more. Regardless of our personal opinions of him and his polticial actions. The Bible calls for us to pray for our leaders and it seems like we only do so when we feel like he(or someday she) following our wishes.
Woah a statement from Bush! -Listening- There it is again. That word Justice.
Justice is hard to define. Sounds so cheesy to say that. I'm just listening to all the statements from different groups. Doesn't ease the pain or bring back loved ones but it does bring comfort.
Just watching the president walk down that hallway alone. Can you imagine the weight on his shoulders.
im really emotional
just brings up lots of old feelings
and great pride
Just thinking lots.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
17 Days of Summer- Day 2
As I watch Law and Order and wish that the sun actually shined into my apartment I am putting off reading and doing my last project for Feminist Theory.
Yesterday (Day 2) was really a great day. Since it was a Saturday I began my morning by rolling out of bed adding a layer of clothing and walked to yoga. I really love Kundalini yoga. Its techniques plus the methods of my teacher are amazing. I walked in a little crack-y and sore and left energized, smiling, and focused... oh and not sore! :) I just really like the way it allows me to focus on God while working through my stress and tension. This form of yoga is not based in a particular religion, but it does recognize the divine spirit with in all of us, and it is even said that that spirit/truth can be defined as the God of the Bible.
Anyway. After I came home I just relaxed, watched TV (Law and Order and Real Housewives...) and enjoyed my clean house. I of course took a nap. Seems to be what I do best these days.
Around 3 one of my professors called and asked me to baby sit her two kids. I thought- what the heck!? I am so glad I did, we had fun playing outside, they had great dogs, and watched movies. They are super duper sweet kids. It was fun to just hangout and listen to kids talk to each other. Kids are hilarious hil-ar-i-ous. Anyway it was just a fun night. I mean who wouldn't have fun with these kids?!

Yesterday (Day 2) was really a great day. Since it was a Saturday I began my morning by rolling out of bed adding a layer of clothing and walked to yoga. I really love Kundalini yoga. Its techniques plus the methods of my teacher are amazing. I walked in a little crack-y and sore and left energized, smiling, and focused... oh and not sore! :) I just really like the way it allows me to focus on God while working through my stress and tension. This form of yoga is not based in a particular religion, but it does recognize the divine spirit with in all of us, and it is even said that that spirit/truth can be defined as the God of the Bible.
Anyway. After I came home I just relaxed, watched TV (Law and Order and Real Housewives...) and enjoyed my clean house. I of course took a nap. Seems to be what I do best these days.
Around 3 one of my professors called and asked me to baby sit her two kids. I thought- what the heck!? I am so glad I did, we had fun playing outside, they had great dogs, and watched movies. They are super duper sweet kids. It was fun to just hangout and listen to kids talk to each other. Kids are hilarious hil-ar-i-ous. Anyway it was just a fun night. I mean who wouldn't have fun with these kids?!

Okay, I'll admit it.. I really look forward to being a Mom. In like 7-10 years. But never the less I look forward to having my own kids in what ever way God blesses us.
Today (which I guess is day 3) is rainy and cold and gross. I have to read approximately 15 articles today and write annotations for each. Sounds like a lot but its not a big deal, especially since I get to choose the articles. This final isn't due until Wednesday, but I want to have it done today so I can turn it in Tuesday when I go to school for the parrrtayyy. Haha. Yay pizza in the break room!
I get bored with these "this is what I did yesterday" posts. During the day I think of lots of little one sentence things that would be fun to post, and by the time I sit down to actually blog -poof- they are gone of course... well except for these few...
Today (which I guess is day 3) is rainy and cold and gross. I have to read approximately 15 articles today and write annotations for each. Sounds like a lot but its not a big deal, especially since I get to choose the articles. This final isn't due until Wednesday, but I want to have it done today so I can turn it in Tuesday when I go to school for the parrrtayyy. Haha. Yay pizza in the break room!
I get bored with these "this is what I did yesterday" posts. During the day I think of lots of little one sentence things that would be fun to post, and by the time I sit down to actually blog -poof- they are gone of course... well except for these few...
I want people to wear hats to my wedding. I want people to wear fun party dresses and have a good time, I don't really want it to be some "formal affair" I want it to be a celebration!
I really love fresh strawberries cut up into a bowl with cut up bananas. No sugar no ice cream- just strawberries and bananas.
I like to go to Kroger after 10pm. Its empty and quiet and I don't run into anyone else's shopping cart.
I want every outfit Emma Pillsbury has ever worn on Glee. I've got clinically diagnosed OCD too- doesn't that count for something?
My office is really clean right now... that might be due to the fact its so dark in there I don't like actually working in my office.
I am not looking forward to driving home but cannnnnnnot wait to be there.
Last night I put my sweatpants/pj pants on inside out, knowingly, and just didnt care enough to fix them.
Still no sewing machine, I think the lady off of Craig's list is super busy, but hey I don't have time for it yet so maybe its a good thing.
Have I mentioned that my apartment is really lacking in natural light?
I cannot wait to wear summer dresses.
I make a killer curried chicken salad.
I always hate saying "yes" when they ask me if plastic is okay.
My costume design professor told me to get an MFA in costume design. Yeah. Really. Thinking on that one...
Chase and I get married in um.... X number of days. My thesis on the other hand is due in 111 days, 5 hours, and 26 minutes. Give or take a few minutes.
Someone find me a really lush museum job in DSM. I want to work in an archive of some sort.
Um time for Church.
(was that interesting?)
Almost as interesting as this photo take of me by a small child.
I know... With a face like that I should be in pictures (or is it radio!?).
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