Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hunting for my Mitt'ns

Today my new business cards arrived. They are very very cool. They are square and funky and I love love love them. Why am I using words in multiples multiples multiples? Anyway.

As we sit here in front of our gangsta* Christmas tree watching amazing hilarious TV (we're watching The League -- which is beyond R rated at times but so funny) and just being a lazy married couple. We're very good at that. Being lazy and married to each other.

For those of you who have been wondering what I am actually going to do with my education (which seems to be pretty much everyone outside of my immediate family and friends) I have good news. I am serving as a dramaturg in two productions here in DSM. One is a super family friendly one and the other is a bit edgy/meatier. Happy Lauren.  More as they grow closer.

Hey guess what? Christmas is coming soon! Bet you didn't realize that eh? I am very very proud to say that I am one present away from being totally done with my Christmas shopping. Now I will admit-- we don't do lots and lots of presents in my family (or in my new McCool family) but I really love finding really good thoughtful things that people will actually enjoy. I tried really hard to shop locally and stuff... which basically meant buying loads of stuff off Etsy.  My parents sent us some presents via the USPS and they are making me crazy. Crazy because I am really bad at not opening presents that are just staring me in the face. I have a feeling my parents sent us one of Rusty's Gang. Mostly because the box looks like it holds a Rusty dog... don't know but we'll see. Have no idea what I am talking about? Check Out Rusty and the Gang or visit his Etsy website.  

I have been reading a really amazing book about the Gilded Age. It focuses on Tom Thumb and his wive Lavinia. It is a novel but its based on real events... you know a historical novel that isn't a bodice ripper. I have also joined Goodreads which is like the ultimate bookFacebook. If you like reading at all take a look.

Okay for something less fluffy. The political heat is wild here in Iowa. Chase and I don't plan to caucus but of course we are addicted to the Drudge Report. It will be so interesting. The candidates are all over the city. We've seen Bauchman's bus and I met the pilots of Ron Paul's airplane. Chase's brother and sister in law (tobe) saw Newt, Chase's Dad met Santorum... and well as anyone who has read the news lately knows Mitt isn't really spending lots of time here... but I'd still love to meet him...  that really has nothing to do with his political career... I'd just like to tell him I wrote part of my thesis about him. He should consider himself lucky -- I mean after all is is the only presidential candidate that is mentioned in my Thesis. 

Oh crap. My thesissssss. Oh bane of my existence... Naw. I just am so close to being finished and yet so far away. Tomorrow I am going to spend the entire day working. If I don't get distracted by laundry, the internet, gift wrapping, cleaning, cooking, organizing, shopping, sleeping, watching NCIS, or, or, or... see my point? Anyway...

Speaking of thesis topics the weirdest thing happened today. I was reading one of my favorite self-described Mormon Mommy blogs and the blogger announced that she was pregnant for the second time.  Now know... I have never met this woman, probably never will, and I am one of her thousands of readers yet I was very very excited for them. I in no way shape form or fashion want to have children right now, but I was so happy for them! Isn't it strange how people put so much about them self on the internet -- so much so that their readers feel like they are actually involved in the blogger's life... oh wait. This is getting tooo meta. Me writing about blogs and being a blog reader on my blog for my readers. Okay I'll stop.

Well I think I'll stop here. Mostly because my mac, Gabby, is about to die. She's showing me the red battery and I had to turn her screen to nearly off. Thanks for putting up with my randomness.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Heaven in a Dixie Cup

Our apartment is finally a house. We have unpacked all the boxes and are organized.  Which is nice because we had the space to put up our Christmas tree. It leans a little and and doesn't really have enough lights but we love love love it. Currently, we are watching Dexter in the glow of the tree. Nothing says Christmas like serial killers.

Working at Caribou has been pretty good. The people are lovely and I have discovered that I really love Eggnog Mochas. Yes. That is Eggnog + Chocolate + Espresso + Whipped Cream + Nutmeg.  I learned the first week of living in Iowa that "AE Eggnog is the best." At first I was very confused. When did American Eagle start making Eggnog. Well I learned that it actually meant Anderson Erickson which is a local dairy. When I was at Fareway (a grocery store -- perhaps Iowan?) I tried a sample of Mocha Nog by AE. It was heaven in a Dixie Cup. It is the cold version of a Eggnog Mocha. If you can get yourself some. You wont regret it. Chase does not like Eggnog. And thats fine. More for me.

This week I hopefully will get to do some interviews for my theatre blog at DesMoinesIsNotBoring.com . I am making some awesome contacts here in town and am excited to see what the future holds.  Okay gotta pay attention to Dexter... its getting intense!!!!!!