Our apartment is finally a house. We have unpacked all the boxes and are organized. Which is nice because we had the space to put up our Christmas tree. It leans a little and and doesn't really have enough lights but we love love love it. Currently, we are watching Dexter in the glow of the tree. Nothing says Christmas like serial killers.
Working at Caribou has been pretty good. The people are lovely and I have discovered that I really love Eggnog Mochas. Yes. That is Eggnog + Chocolate + Espresso + Whipped Cream + Nutmeg. I learned the first week of living in Iowa that "AE Eggnog is the best." At first I was very confused. When did American Eagle start making Eggnog. Well I learned that it actually meant Anderson Erickson which is a local dairy. When I was at Fareway (a grocery store -- perhaps Iowan?) I tried a sample of Mocha Nog by AE. It was heaven in a Dixie Cup. It is the cold version of a Eggnog Mocha. If you can get yourself some. You wont regret it. Chase does not like Eggnog. And thats fine. More for me.
This week I hopefully will get to do some interviews for my theatre blog at DesMoinesIsNotBoring.com . I am making some awesome contacts here in town and am excited to see what the future holds. Okay gotta pay attention to Dexter... its getting intense!!!!!!
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