Monday, July 12, 2010

Adult? Hardly.

One of my favorite photos of me and Emily [Emily and me?]
who I miss very much and who is having surgery soon.

Think happy thoughts / say lots of prayers for her!

Day three of yoga kicked my tush, or rather punched me in the gut! I did an ab work out last night and this morning and whew-wee I am feeling it even now at 9:30p!  It felt good to get my exercising out of the way before the day got in the way. I simply knew I would not want to do it once I got home from camp. 

Once I could finally get on base today -they had new policies that started THIS morning-- I was only 45 minutes late to when the camp started! It was a little ridiculous, I had to go back at lunch.  It was frustrating, but the Marines were so nice I couldn't complain too much. Meaning the Dad Age Marines. The ones over the age of ... lets say... thirty five. They hold doors open and make sure no one cuts you in line. One called me ma'am. I love that. I love being called ma'am- I don't think its demeaning or sexist. I was raised to think its respectful. I call my students ma'am and sir. Sets the tone in the classroom.

Camp went well today, the/my assistant J-K was super great and is a great asset for the camp. We played games, did lessons, and laughed a lot. The kids were actually really well behaved knock on wood and I think we are going to have a good week! We'll see how tomorrow goes.

As you can see from the title I am still counting down the days until I head to BGSU. And then once I am there 13 days until I see Chaser and Erin.  The McCools got me hooked on Next Design Star- and for those of you that watch it- I DO NOT like Nina, she needs to do something other than paint a cheap looking mural on the wall. Be creative! Thats the whole point of the show!

Eh. I feel like I should have something profound to write this evening. I don't think the litany of what happened to me today would keep readers coming back for more. But my brain just isn't working that deeply. I am enjoying not having the stress of having to be "on" all the time.  I admire my friends who are out there searching for real adult jobs and making their own way in the adult world. I mean, yeah I guess I would consider myself an adult as I sit here in the bedroom I was brought home from the hospital to, but then so much of me is just excited about buying new school supplies [is a uber fabulous couch a school supply?] and the new episode of whatever tv show Im addicted to at the time. To be cliche, when do you actually become an adult? Is it a zero sum game? I don't know. and i have a feeling no one actually knows.

Well Yoga at 6am is approaching quickly.
I am waiting to talk to my Chaser and then I'll go to bed. Working girl's gotta get up early. 

Oh yeah. And that Emily up there? She's so wonderful.
I hope her surgery goes wonderfully! A costumer with carpel tunnel is not a happy costumer!!
 I have so many friends from UNCG that I hope to remain life long friends with,
 and I'm not worried one bit about loosing touch with the most beautiful Emily. 

-update- she comments that it is minor surgery but frankly I think surgery is surgery. Pray anyway!-

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