I would give anything for a Reeses Blizzard or a Peanut Butter Milkshake.
But I'm not giving in to the evil of all of those calories!
Whew, I would literally just adore to have one right now.
Instead I am drinking Green Mint tea. And watching a show about plastic surgery.
Great for my body image eh?
Great for my body image eh?
Warning- this post is about to get self-reflective and girly. So its funny that I wrote that post about working out because I have had bad body image days the last couple of days. I think I've just got to get busy again. That will make things a lot better.
I eat when I am bored or unhappy. There I said it. Grrr. I mean lately it has either been things with BBQ sauce, any form of peanut butter, cheese, and potato chips. Yeah.
Then to make things worse I found photos of myself from when I started school at LU. My hair was so much longer and I was in healthier shape. I know that my body has changed so much in 5 years. I mean I'm not 17 anymore. I accept that. Its just weird. When I mention this to older women they laugh at me and tell me wait until I am thirty. This makes me freaking terrified of turning 30.
Why is it that so often women would rather share horror/war stories about being a woman rather than supporting each other? I mean either its complaining about our weight or how we had good days or bad days, or how we hate something about ourselves. We tease each other about our breasts or our tummies and yet we expect the men around us not to give us the same analysis process we give each other. I am really blessed with a man who simply wants me to be healthy and tells me I am beautiful even when I am in the nastiest sloppiest outfits. No, his opinion doesn't make who I am, but he makes me feel really wonderful.
In the Christian community we are always told that God looks at what is inside rather than the outside. And it is so wonderful to think we don't have to be "pretty enough" for God to approve of us. I just wish that my brain could process my own worth not based on the way I look.
Now don't misunderstand me. I am in kind of a boredom rut.
Just kind of needing something to distract me.
Spending less time thinking.
I think. Hah.
Just kind of needing something to distract me.
Spending less time thinking.
I think. Hah.
Okay enough personal reflection for now. Thankyouverymuch!
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