Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Finish

I'm as happy as this perfect puppy. 

I have officially filled an entire three inch binder with articles for my thesis. It makes me feel like a real scholar! I was at the library today picking up some Inter Library Loans from BYU. And I was over over overjoyed at what I had received. The most perfect reference. I about jumped up and down! Until the lovely student library worker informed me that I couldn't take the text out of the Library. Blech. Which means I have to return to the library tomorrow bright and early and reading in the reserves room. All three hundred pages... and taking notes.  Who am I kidding? I love this kind of stuff.

A year from this very moment Chase and I will have said "I do" and will begin to dance the night away! EEEEK so stinking happy. He's the bestest. Still no new updates, I should receive a whole slew of invites from WeddingPaperDivas that I am very excited about. The ones I have received thus far have been kinda Wal-Marty as my mother put it. Now we can't have that!

I had a pretty good "graduate student" week, compared to the last few. My classes were super interesting, I got a class substituted so I can take Feminist Theory (woohoo),  got approval to dramaturg a Sondheim musical, and actually enjoyed writing a paper on theory. Let me explain that craziness: I had to write a paper on either semiotics, phenomenology, or deconstruction and some how relate it Mormon Representation. Uh yeah. I read and read and read and took notes and some more notes and then some more notes (all on graph paper with purple pin) and then decided to go to bed and write in the morning. Well that just wasn't going to happen. It took me FORVER to fall asleep and then around 4 am - yes 4am-- I was simply too stressed out and had to write the paper. So I got up, turned on Fleet Foxes and cranked out the 1,000 word paper in about... 35 minutes. I have no idea how that happened- but I was pretty proud of the result. And my teacher seemed to think I was on the right track... we'll see once I get the actual paper back from her on Tuesday.

Its finally starting to get cold, and one can actually walk to her office in a sweatshirt and not overheat. It could get about 5 degrees cooler and then just stay like that. No snow please. (yeah, like thats going to happen)

Have you ever noticed how darn expensive Starbucks is? There is a gas station near I-75 that has pumpkin spice coffee... I mix it with a little fat free french vanilla and some hot chocolate-- and its literally perfection.... for 99 cents. And every 7th one you buy is free... Too bad its not on campus... or in my kitchen.

I have gotten a little blog crazy lately. I have found a bunch of new blogs that I'm really enjoying reading in my free time. Take a Gander:

Okay and your reward for making it through that loooonnng list of blogs you recieve this video present.

Yes. Chase and I want a bulldog (or a pug)... We will name him either Max or Royal...
and maybe maybe maybe Taxi... We're still discussing that one.

Oh and make sure you look at the previous post. Its pretty amazing. 
Very worth printing on your nice paper and hanging above your desk / mirror / closet door! 

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