and Fall Break Has Started.
I'm on the floor of my living room with the care package of wedding magazines and my Anthropologie catalogues that my Mom sent me. She even included sweet potato pancake mix and a fabulous wedding dress ornament from my Aunt Peggy. Real Housewives is on and I'm eating grapes and homemade iced black chai.
I'm focusing on the good.
Cause Grad School is kicking my tush.
You know that part of the semester where you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel? Yeah. That is here, that is now. Chase is coming to visit next weekend and of course I want to not be doing homework while he is here... so that means two weekends worth of work during this weekend.
In my theatre history class I need to get started on a paper for the final. It is on the play Le Cid and it feels like all of the sources are in FRENCH. Guess who took 6 semesters of Spanish. This girl! But I found an amazing source by an AMERICAN and natural born English speaker. Whew... we'll see how far I get.
My textuality/poetry class is going to make me memorize a poem. A poem to be performed. Oh my. I really love hearing everyone else perform there problems, and I love analyzing the text -- but performing? Makes me so nervous. I would like to be a better performer, but its just not my thing. Kinda like I would like to be better So I am going to work on it this weekend and just do my best.
Research Methods is going to help me write some of my thesis. This is the on the resurgence of Mormonism in popular culture. Some of the fru fru lingo I have learned in grad school helps me explain this better: This paper will be a historiographical survey of Mormon Representation/Religious Representation as well as representations of Mormons in popular culture. I think... Yikers. Too many ideas.
Finally, my history class, Survey of 19th Century America, has another paper -- I think its 20 pages....-- that is also about Early Mormon Theatrical Performances. Whew. It is the only paper that I am actually sure about.
This weekend hopefully will be productive. I am missing my Mom and Dad like crazy and some Emily too. I need someone to talk to theatre about that geeks out over the same things I do!!! So yes. I'm homesick. But just keep trucking along.
(place appropriate transition here-- transitions are what my profs say I need to work on the most)
I have titled myself the Pumpkin Piggy. Chase and I talk every night on the phone before bed and often we get really silly and by silly I mean down and out ridiculous. And I have lately just been wanting to eat pumpkin muffins, doughnuts, coffee-- anything. But Oh the Calories! I made some amazing apple sauce that you eat warm with just a spoonful of peanut butter ice cream. Com-fort-food. Not toooo bad for you... At least that is what I tell myself.
Oh and these killer amazing stuffed breadsticks from this place called Pollyeyes. Ahh.
Can you tell I'm stressed? All I am talking about is food.
Please. Call, write, text... visit [cough-emily-mom-cough]
Or buy me this amazing scarf...
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