Saturday, June 4, 2011

How I actually spent my Saturday

So this morning I provided my readers a schedule of what my day was supposed to include:

And what it actually looked like is as follows:

8:07- finish blogging
8:15-9:15ish try to read
9:15-10:30 happen to fall asleep
10:30- Go pick up books at the Library
12:00- come home.. read.... sleep
1:40 go to the eye doctor and have him tell me my eyes are being irritated by my contacts so I cannot wear anything on them until Tuesday when I will then go back
3:00 go home. make cupcakes
330 fall asleep
5:15 Go to friends house
830: Eat Cheeseburger
900: starting to get sleepy again and don't feel like blogging.

yep. I'm super exciting.

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