Today my new business cards arrived. They are very very cool. They are square and funky and I love love love them. Why am I using words in multiples multiples multiples? Anyway.
As we sit here in front of our gangsta* Christmas tree watching amazing hilarious TV (we're watching The League -- which is beyond R rated at times but so funny) and just being a lazy married couple. We're very good at that. Being lazy and married to each other.
For those of you who have been wondering what I am actually going to do with my education (which seems to be pretty much everyone outside of my immediate family and friends) I have good news. I am serving as a dramaturg in two productions here in DSM. One is a super family friendly one and the other is a bit edgy/meatier. Happy Lauren. More as they grow closer.
Hey guess what? Christmas is coming soon! Bet you didn't realize that eh? I am very very proud to say that I am one present away from being totally done with my Christmas shopping. Now I will admit-- we don't do lots and lots of presents in my family (or in my new McCool family) but I really love finding really good thoughtful things that people will actually enjoy. I tried really hard to shop locally and stuff... which basically meant buying loads of stuff off Etsy. My parents sent us some presents via the USPS and they are making me crazy. Crazy because I am really bad at not opening presents that are just staring me in the face. I have a feeling my parents sent us one of Rusty's Gang. Mostly because the box looks like it holds a Rusty dog... don't know but we'll see. Have no idea what I am talking about? Check Out Rusty and the Gang or visit his Etsy website.
I have been reading a really amazing book about the Gilded Age. It focuses on Tom Thumb and his wive Lavinia. It is a novel but its based on real events... you know a historical novel that isn't a bodice ripper. I have also joined Goodreads which is like the ultimate bookFacebook. If you like reading at all take a look.
Okay for something less fluffy. The political heat is wild here in Iowa. Chase and I don't plan to caucus but of course we are addicted to the Drudge Report. It will be so interesting. The candidates are all over the city. We've seen Bauchman's bus and I met the pilots of Ron Paul's airplane. Chase's brother and sister in law (tobe) saw Newt, Chase's Dad met Santorum... and well as anyone who has read the news lately knows Mitt isn't really spending lots of time here... but I'd still love to meet him... that really has nothing to do with his political career... I'd just like to tell him I wrote part of my thesis about him. He should consider himself lucky -- I mean after all is is the only presidential candidate that is mentioned in my Thesis.
Oh crap. My thesissssss. Oh bane of my existence... Naw. I just am so close to being finished and yet so far away. Tomorrow I am going to spend the entire day working. If I don't get distracted by laundry, the internet, gift wrapping, cleaning, cooking, organizing, shopping, sleeping, watching NCIS, or, or, or... see my point? Anyway...
Speaking of thesis topics the weirdest thing happened today. I was reading one of my favorite self-described Mormon Mommy blogs and the blogger announced that she was pregnant for the second time. Now know... I have never met this woman, probably never will, and I am one of her thousands of readers yet I was very very excited for them. I in no way shape form or fashion want to have children right now, but I was so happy for them! Isn't it strange how people put so much about them self on the internet -- so much so that their readers feel like they are actually involved in the blogger's life... oh wait. This is getting tooo meta. Me writing about blogs and being a blog reader on my blog for my readers. Okay I'll stop.
Well I think I'll stop here. Mostly because my mac, Gabby, is about to die. She's showing me the red battery and I had to turn her screen to nearly off. Thanks for putting up with my randomness.
Two newlyweds, living in Iowa, working too much, and seeing how long we can go without "Nuking" any leftovers.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Heaven in a Dixie Cup
Our apartment is finally a house. We have unpacked all the boxes and are organized. Which is nice because we had the space to put up our Christmas tree. It leans a little and and doesn't really have enough lights but we love love love it. Currently, we are watching Dexter in the glow of the tree. Nothing says Christmas like serial killers.
Working at Caribou has been pretty good. The people are lovely and I have discovered that I really love Eggnog Mochas. Yes. That is Eggnog + Chocolate + Espresso + Whipped Cream + Nutmeg. I learned the first week of living in Iowa that "AE Eggnog is the best." At first I was very confused. When did American Eagle start making Eggnog. Well I learned that it actually meant Anderson Erickson which is a local dairy. When I was at Fareway (a grocery store -- perhaps Iowan?) I tried a sample of Mocha Nog by AE. It was heaven in a Dixie Cup. It is the cold version of a Eggnog Mocha. If you can get yourself some. You wont regret it. Chase does not like Eggnog. And thats fine. More for me.
This week I hopefully will get to do some interviews for my theatre blog at . I am making some awesome contacts here in town and am excited to see what the future holds. Okay gotta pay attention to Dexter... its getting intense!!!!!!
Working at Caribou has been pretty good. The people are lovely and I have discovered that I really love Eggnog Mochas. Yes. That is Eggnog + Chocolate + Espresso + Whipped Cream + Nutmeg. I learned the first week of living in Iowa that "AE Eggnog is the best." At first I was very confused. When did American Eagle start making Eggnog. Well I learned that it actually meant Anderson Erickson which is a local dairy. When I was at Fareway (a grocery store -- perhaps Iowan?) I tried a sample of Mocha Nog by AE. It was heaven in a Dixie Cup. It is the cold version of a Eggnog Mocha. If you can get yourself some. You wont regret it. Chase does not like Eggnog. And thats fine. More for me.
This week I hopefully will get to do some interviews for my theatre blog at . I am making some awesome contacts here in town and am excited to see what the future holds. Okay gotta pay attention to Dexter... its getting intense!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Office Space
I am about to make a dangerous statement. Ready?
I really don't get/understand/find funny the movie Office Space.
Thats all.
But today has been a day in our office. Between emailing and cleaning and organizing and all I feel like I've been in offices all day. I woke up at 6 with Chase (I had the day off) and just did some stuff around the house (I don't actually remember what I did this morning... remember how I don't sleep well?). Then around 10 or so I finally made my way to the Social Security office to get my name changed. Pause here for a moment. Name changing is a difficult process. Lots of paperwork and lots of running around with proofs of identity. Anyway.
I got there and there were about a billlion people waiting. Okay more like 50. I'm not exaggerating. I was number X16 and they were only on number X3. I was there for around 25 minutes and they only got to X5. Yep. I had a lunch date with the fabulous Keelia so I left and came back. Right as I pulled up the person who was X17 was coming out of the building. Looks like I made the right decision. This time I walked in and wham in five minutes I was out of there. And I got to have a great lunch with Keelia. We went to Gateway Market and it was really good. It will be in competition with Palmer's for my fav downtown lunch place. Its too expensive for groceries. Trader Joes and Hyvee over in Jordon Creek are just as good and by far cheaper. Anyway.
After that I went to this TJ Maxx like store called Gordmans. Well their clothes are terrible but they have tons tons tons of great house stuff. I loved it! I got some stuff for our house and a new frame for one of my wedding presents from Chase. Our house is starting to look really good.
Speaking of our house-- tonight we will conquer the office. Our office. We have separate desks and chairs -- something I learned from my parents -- and we face opposite directions. Meaning we don't have to worry about each other space. To each his or her own. Mine of course is super cute and colorfully decorated. Chase's is surrounded by all his important degrees and licenses and still not set up-- he's been working a lot lately! So anyway. We'll finish organizing this room and then we'll only have one room left to go!
The living room. Which will not be finished anytime soon. We bought a couch and it should be delivered on Friday. We bought it at a place that delivers. And we have in our minds challenged the delivery guys to get the bad boy up the stairs. So hopefully I will have a couch on Friday. If not we'll go to plan B. Which we don't have yet.
Here is the couch we picked.... hopefully next time you see it it will be in a photo of our living room.
Good husband.
I really don't get/understand/find funny the movie Office Space.
Thats all.
But today has been a day in our office. Between emailing and cleaning and organizing and all I feel like I've been in offices all day. I woke up at 6 with Chase (I had the day off) and just did some stuff around the house (I don't actually remember what I did this morning... remember how I don't sleep well?). Then around 10 or so I finally made my way to the Social Security office to get my name changed. Pause here for a moment. Name changing is a difficult process. Lots of paperwork and lots of running around with proofs of identity. Anyway.
I got there and there were about a billlion people waiting. Okay more like 50. I'm not exaggerating. I was number X16 and they were only on number X3. I was there for around 25 minutes and they only got to X5. Yep. I had a lunch date with the fabulous Keelia so I left and came back. Right as I pulled up the person who was X17 was coming out of the building. Looks like I made the right decision. This time I walked in and wham in five minutes I was out of there. And I got to have a great lunch with Keelia. We went to Gateway Market and it was really good. It will be in competition with Palmer's for my fav downtown lunch place. Its too expensive for groceries. Trader Joes and Hyvee over in Jordon Creek are just as good and by far cheaper. Anyway.
After that I went to this TJ Maxx like store called Gordmans. Well their clothes are terrible but they have tons tons tons of great house stuff. I loved it! I got some stuff for our house and a new frame for one of my wedding presents from Chase. Our house is starting to look really good.
Speaking of our house-- tonight we will conquer the office. Our office. We have separate desks and chairs -- something I learned from my parents -- and we face opposite directions. Meaning we don't have to worry about each other space. To each his or her own. Mine of course is super cute and colorfully decorated. Chase's is surrounded by all his important degrees and licenses and still not set up-- he's been working a lot lately! So anyway. We'll finish organizing this room and then we'll only have one room left to go!
Here is the before...
The living room. Which will not be finished anytime soon. We bought a couch and it should be delivered on Friday. We bought it at a place that delivers. And we have in our minds challenged the delivery guys to get the bad boy up the stairs. So hopefully I will have a couch on Friday. If not we'll go to plan B. Which we don't have yet.
Here is the couch we picked.... hopefully next time you see it it will be in a photo of our living room.
I'm going to recover the pillows. Those aren't my favorite.
Well that is all for now. Chaser will be here soon and we're headed to dinner. I'm too lazy to cook tonight -- sooo he's going to take me out!
Good husband.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Oh to sleep, perchance to dream!
I don't really remember the last time I slept through the entire night.
Probably back in high school.
At Liberty I had debate dreams.
At UNCG I sang songs from Evil Dead.
At Home I just wake up for no reason. My dad thinks its because I nap too much.
Here in Des Moneys I just cannot sleep through the night, and now for the first time its impacting someone other than me! Poor Chaser. I wake up and wiggle and squirm and stuff and he of course looses sleep.
I am just tired. My body is tired. My mind is tired. My everything is tired.
I try to take some Unisom every now and then... but then I always feel groggy the morning after. So much that when I took some last night I ended up sleeping about an hour after I woke up.
I cannot imagine what it would be like if I had kids to take care of or a husband that wasn't so understanding. I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have a job that I was done with everyday by 3pm.
Oh yeah. My job. I really like the company Caribou. I really like their product and their operations. I'm trying to get my stuff all set up so that I can substitute and make more money in each day.
This is kind of a boring post. I need to stop blogging later in the evening. Tomorrow I'll do better. This will be a post I don't like to on Facebook.
Probably back in high school.
At Liberty I had debate dreams.
At UNCG I sang songs from Evil Dead.
At Home I just wake up for no reason. My dad thinks its because I nap too much.
Here in Des Moneys I just cannot sleep through the night, and now for the first time its impacting someone other than me! Poor Chaser. I wake up and wiggle and squirm and stuff and he of course looses sleep.
I am just tired. My body is tired. My mind is tired. My everything is tired.
I try to take some Unisom every now and then... but then I always feel groggy the morning after. So much that when I took some last night I ended up sleeping about an hour after I woke up.
I cannot imagine what it would be like if I had kids to take care of or a husband that wasn't so understanding. I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have a job that I was done with everyday by 3pm.
Oh yeah. My job. I really like the company Caribou. I really like their product and their operations. I'm trying to get my stuff all set up so that I can substitute and make more money in each day.
This is kind of a boring post. I need to stop blogging later in the evening. Tomorrow I'll do better. This will be a post I don't like to on Facebook.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Gift Cards, Diamonds, and Applesauce!
Hello readers... those of you that have stuck with me through this great famine of postings.
I got married. Did ya know that. I have a new last name. I live in a new state. I have to get a new driver's license. Oh and I have this fabulous new ring...
That ring on the right is Chaser's. Yes it has a piece of meteorite embedded into it.
I don't want to over do it with wedding stuff. So here are two more photos.... one silly...
We've moved into our new apartment and it is really great. Its perfect sized, great location, and slowly but surely coming along. Right now I am sitting in our kitchen at our pub table waiting for Chaser to get home. I got off work at Caribou Coffee today at 1030. So I've been home today napping and trying to make myself clean-- unsuccessfully. Well the nap was successful, the cleaning? Not so much! Right now the house smells amazing. I had some "starting to get mushy" apples so I made applesauce. And Lordy, Lordy, it smells amazing.
I'm making a new recipe for dinner tonight. It has goat cheese, shrimp, tomatoes, arugula, and hearty wheat bread. Should be very good... we'll see. Chase is a trooper he's been trying lots of new stuff. Some he likes more than others-- but hey at least he's trying.
Of our whole apartment the kitchen is the only room totally set and organized. Well minus hanging artwork. We were so blessed with giftcards and money for wedding presents that our kitchen is just perfect. You may have noticed I changed the title of my blog... it mentions our lack of a microwave. Well its kind of a personal challenge. We don't really have a lot of counter space (we store the toaster oven under the sink) so I didn't want to get a microwave. Well so far we've done pretty well... eating fresh food and no microwaved dinners. Now I must admit... We do have an electric water kettle.
Today I accidentally found myself listening to the Glen Beck Radio Talk show... yikers. Chase and I for some reason are fascinated by Herman Cain and the fact that he's running for president. He's just really entertaining-- not sure that is a good quality for a president. But then I soon realized who it was ranting through my radio and I switched back to the CD of our wedding playlist that I keep in my car. Another random fact -- Hyvee has really good tomatoes and I really love Trader Joes' um... everything. Okay enough randomness.
Lots of good stuff is happening. Job is good. Church is good. Life is good. Being married is the bestest thing ever. Really. I love it. We're super tired all the time from working so much but we just turn giggly and have fun together anyway. I know mushy mushy mushy. Thanksgiving is heading our way and this will be my first one with out my parents. Kinda rough.
To be really honest, that is the only thing I don't like about Des Moines-- that my parents don't live here too. Oh and that they have 70 degree weather right now :)
For all of you that celebrated with us in person or in thoughts and prayers we cannot simply find the right words to thank you. We still get a little teary-eyed when we talk about it. We are so blessed.
More tomorrow. If your lucky! Hahah or maybe I'll go another month or so!
I'd like to wish congrats to all of the miracle babies (all babies are miracles!) that have been born in the last month. I have some killer "other people's babies" fever. Meaning I like playing with your baby but not interested in having my own! Hahah.
I got married. Did ya know that. I have a new last name. I live in a new state. I have to get a new driver's license. Oh and I have this fabulous new ring...
That ring on the right is Chaser's. Yes it has a piece of meteorite embedded into it.
I don't want to over do it with wedding stuff. So here are two more photos.... one silly...
Me the Bridezilla!
And us at our first look...
It was a perfect wedding. I can keep adding little by little more photos.
We've moved into our new apartment and it is really great. Its perfect sized, great location, and slowly but surely coming along. Right now I am sitting in our kitchen at our pub table waiting for Chaser to get home. I got off work at Caribou Coffee today at 1030. So I've been home today napping and trying to make myself clean-- unsuccessfully. Well the nap was successful, the cleaning? Not so much! Right now the house smells amazing. I had some "starting to get mushy" apples so I made applesauce. And Lordy, Lordy, it smells amazing.
I'm making a new recipe for dinner tonight. It has goat cheese, shrimp, tomatoes, arugula, and hearty wheat bread. Should be very good... we'll see. Chase is a trooper he's been trying lots of new stuff. Some he likes more than others-- but hey at least he's trying.
Of our whole apartment the kitchen is the only room totally set and organized. Well minus hanging artwork. We were so blessed with giftcards and money for wedding presents that our kitchen is just perfect. You may have noticed I changed the title of my blog... it mentions our lack of a microwave. Well its kind of a personal challenge. We don't really have a lot of counter space (we store the toaster oven under the sink) so I didn't want to get a microwave. Well so far we've done pretty well... eating fresh food and no microwaved dinners. Now I must admit... We do have an electric water kettle.
Today I accidentally found myself listening to the Glen Beck Radio Talk show... yikers. Chase and I for some reason are fascinated by Herman Cain and the fact that he's running for president. He's just really entertaining-- not sure that is a good quality for a president. But then I soon realized who it was ranting through my radio and I switched back to the CD of our wedding playlist that I keep in my car. Another random fact -- Hyvee has really good tomatoes and I really love Trader Joes' um... everything. Okay enough randomness.
Lots of good stuff is happening. Job is good. Church is good. Life is good. Being married is the bestest thing ever. Really. I love it. We're super tired all the time from working so much but we just turn giggly and have fun together anyway. I know mushy mushy mushy. Thanksgiving is heading our way and this will be my first one with out my parents. Kinda rough.
To be really honest, that is the only thing I don't like about Des Moines-- that my parents don't live here too. Oh and that they have 70 degree weather right now :)
For all of you that celebrated with us in person or in thoughts and prayers we cannot simply find the right words to thank you. We still get a little teary-eyed when we talk about it. We are so blessed.
More tomorrow. If your lucky! Hahah or maybe I'll go another month or so!
I'd like to wish congrats to all of the miracle babies (all babies are miracles!) that have been born in the last month. I have some killer "other people's babies" fever. Meaning I like playing with your baby but not interested in having my own! Hahah.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
One stomach virus away from my goal weight...
I am sick.
It is 2:16 am and I'm awake because I can't sleep anymore.
I was in the middle of babysitting the sweetest of babies when it hit me.
Luckily his mom was home for the moment, and she told me to go home.
I am thankful she did.
I will spare you the details.
But if I was trying to loose some weight for the wedding this nasty bug would have helped me succeed.
Let me just say. Popsicles are amazing. They are the only thing I can eat.
It is 2:16 am and I'm awake because I can't sleep anymore.
I was in the middle of babysitting the sweetest of babies when it hit me.
Luckily his mom was home for the moment, and she told me to go home.
I am thankful she did.
I will spare you the details.
But if I was trying to loose some weight for the wedding this nasty bug would have helped me succeed.
Let me just say. Popsicles are amazing. They are the only thing I can eat.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
18 Days till McCool-dom
Well I went and did it. I finally allowed myself to start purchasing furniture for our new apartment.
Chase asked me to pick out and buy a kitchen table and chairs and figure out what bed I wanted. So being the impatient woman I am I immediately started perusing websites for good deals.
We have a little kitchen and no formal dining area so I thought a pub/counter height table would be the best for us. Just a two seat-er. Don't worry-- when we have dinner parties we have other options. You'll have to be invited to see how creative of a decorator the latest Mrs. McCool can be.
Target was the winner - here are some photos:

Emily arrives this weekend and we're going to run up to GSO for a night to have a night of cooking and crazy movie watching with our friend Mike. If you're in town and free on Saturday let us know. We'll see what we can make happen.
I know.
You're really excited.
I've been talking about it forever-- and now I've finally done something concrete!
You're really excited.
I've been talking about it forever-- and now I've finally done something concrete!
Chase asked me to pick out and buy a kitchen table and chairs and figure out what bed I wanted. So being the impatient woman I am I immediately started perusing websites for good deals.
We have a little kitchen and no formal dining area so I thought a pub/counter height table would be the best for us. Just a two seat-er. Don't worry-- when we have dinner parties we have other options. You'll have to be invited to see how creative of a decorator the latest Mrs. McCool can be.
Target was the winner - here are some photos:
They should show up at Chase's Parents' house soon. He gets to try to put them together!
Speaking of being the latest Mrs. McCool -- there is yet another Mrs. McCool-to-be! Chase's brother proposed to his gloriously lovely girlfriend and they have set the date for next June. We're very happy. Chase and I really like her and I'm excited to get to spend more time with her.
I had my first bridal shower this Sunday. Hosted by two of my mom's best friends -- it was beyond wonderful. I am so thankful for each and every woman that came. Each of them has played such important roles in my life. From my kindergarten teacher, to my middle school venting-listener, to my grandmother to long time family friends. Lots of really great memories and people. And they all gave so generously. I about started to cry... but... I made it through. Just so very happy. Some photos were taken and I'll upload them to wedding photo album online at some point... If Mrs. B. will send them to me :) Hint hint.
I mentioned in my last blog post that I was getting a bunch of new makeup samples and fun things from Stephanie who works at a department store as a makeup retailer. She's got great taste and I love the things she sent me to try. I'm NOT a big make-up-wear-er I just don't care enough -- especially when I'm not going anywhere or doing anything. But she gave me such fun stuff to play with and I'm enjoying trying new things. Especially since you know... I have occasions on the horizon.
She sent me some things I already knew I would love, but she also sent me some Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate. Holy cow. It might be totally mental -- it probably is seeing that I've only used it twice-- but its super great for my skin. So great that I'm tempted to shell out the cash for a full sized bottle.
I had my first bridal shower this Sunday. Hosted by two of my mom's best friends -- it was beyond wonderful. I am so thankful for each and every woman that came. Each of them has played such important roles in my life. From my kindergarten teacher, to my middle school venting-listener, to my grandmother to long time family friends. Lots of really great memories and people. And they all gave so generously. I about started to cry... but... I made it through. Just so very happy. Some photos were taken and I'll upload them to wedding photo album online at some point... If Mrs. B. will send them to me :) Hint hint.
I mentioned in my last blog post that I was getting a bunch of new makeup samples and fun things from Stephanie who works at a department store as a makeup retailer. She's got great taste and I love the things she sent me to try. I'm NOT a big make-up-wear-er I just don't care enough -- especially when I'm not going anywhere or doing anything. But she gave me such fun stuff to play with and I'm enjoying trying new things. Especially since you know... I have occasions on the horizon.
She sent me some things I already knew I would love, but she also sent me some Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate. Holy cow. It might be totally mental -- it probably is seeing that I've only used it twice-- but its super great for my skin. So great that I'm tempted to shell out the cash for a full sized bottle.
Emily arrives this weekend and we're going to run up to GSO for a night to have a night of cooking and crazy movie watching with our friend Mike. If you're in town and free on Saturday let us know. We'll see what we can make happen.
Thats all for now. I've been working on those pinwheels for days and finally finished. Only 213525262 things left on my wedding to-do list :) I'll start again bright and early tomorrow. Who am I kidding? I love every minute of it.
Still no update on the thesis. Waiting.....
Friday, September 30, 2011
A Wedding in Photographs
well.. two photographs.
I have been working like crazy for two days straight on these pinwheels...
I have been working like crazy for two days straight on these pinwheels...
and buying make up under the influence of my makeup expert Stephanie...
Camera photos are just the bestest. Hahah.
I should receive two boxes in the mail today... one from Stephanie full of more makeup! (Photo to come) And one from the artist that made Chase's wedding band (no photo to come-- not yet!)
Off to my daily trip to Micheal's at nine o'clock for purple paper , a flower girl basket, and some other do-dads.Then going to sit with a family friends grandma while they have a night out -- which means do more crafts at someone else's house instead of mine! :) Gotta love those coupons from the website.
Off to my daily trip to Micheal's at nine o'clock for purple paper , a flower girl basket, and some other do-dads.Then going to sit with a family friends grandma while they have a night out -- which means do more crafts at someone else's house instead of mine! :) Gotta love those coupons from the website.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
23 days... and 23 hot glue burns
I was supposed to nanny this morning but sick kids kept their Mom home - so I have the morning free.
Yesterday I spent the ENTIRE day working on a project that will be my own twist on this:
Of course, as perfectionist I some times become, the pinwheels look perfectly uniform just in lots of different sizes. But Lordy, Hot Glue guns could be used as a form of torture.. I guess thats kinda like being tarred and feathered...anyway. But its worth it.
I have a feeling that today is going to be an emotional day. I'm kind of tired already and I need to spend the day going through my "keepsakes" that are stored in my closet. Lots of old cards and little tokens that hold memories. I am really going to have to evaluate if I need to keep things to "keep the memory" or if I have the memory with out the material item. Can you tell I'm a devoted fan of Hoarders?
Okay, so I think the new facebook formatting will break me of my facebook habit.
Yesterday I spent the ENTIRE day working on a project that will be my own twist on this:
I have a feeling that today is going to be an emotional day. I'm kind of tired already and I need to spend the day going through my "keepsakes" that are stored in my closet. Lots of old cards and little tokens that hold memories. I am really going to have to evaluate if I need to keep things to "keep the memory" or if I have the memory with out the material item. Can you tell I'm a devoted fan of Hoarders?
Okay, so I think the new facebook formatting will break me of my facebook habit.
Monday, September 26, 2011
26 days...
We made our way to Omaha yesterday around noon central time. We were both really tired and honestly I was a little silly because I was pretty sad to leave and didn't know how to react otherwise. The Omaha airport is actually pretty little. But its not bad or anything. I thought I was going to get bumped and a voucher for 200 bucks. Not so lucky. But I did get an exit row seat and was seated next to a gentleman who's wife and daughter live in Yemen. He was kind and not annoying. That is a nice thing. Once I arrived in Houston I walked to my next gate and it was already boarding. Another nice thing. The woman at the desk was very funny and make the whole process kind of fun- believe it or not. She wished everyone safe flights in the language of their last name's origin. She didn't assume anything- she would ask if she didn't know. But anyway it was just yet another nice thing.
Then-- I actually boarded the plane.
It was a six-seats-across-er. And I was in the VERY last row, in front of the bathroom, in the very middle of two people. But I was excited because there were on-board TV's and there was an NCIS marathon on USA! Very pleased. So pleased that I even texted my parents, emily, and Chase. But then right as we were taking off a message popped up saying it would cost me to continue watching. Nothankyou. I returned to my book. The Diary of Dora Damage -- it wasn't that bad. A bit racy at times, but over all its pretty good. I mean I did read almost 200 pages :)
So after a kind of miserable - hot sweaty and cramped - two and a half hours I made it to RDU and started working my way back to the park and ride. With out much difficulty I actually found Sadie rather quickly, and was prepared to drive back to Jvegas. But mom and dad asked me to not drive and to instead stay with my aunt. So I did. Michelle is very gracious. I walked into her house and saw a wall decal that I really wanted. This is a copy of it:
I don't think we'll be able to get the actual decal but I am trying to think of something so we can have a portable version. Maybe I'll get a little one and place it on a canvas or something.
Early this morning I drove back to babysit and was welcomed by an explosive diaper. Thats all I am going to say about that. I really hate it when Mommy bloggers give too many details. If you are a mommy blogger and this offends you-- I'm sorry, I'm sure you're a great person and I like knowing things about your kids, just not all things :)
After babysitting I did some errands, visited Michelle M., and came home and started working on resume's and looking for jobs in DSM. Anyone have any leads? Something theatre-y? Something artsy? Something a girl with a master's in theatre might be good at? I have some good leads already but I am always welcome to more!
Mom and I sat down to do the wedding to-craft list.
But tonight I'm going to watch NCIS and be lazy. Tomorrow I'll babysit then head to Micheal's. Lots of crafting ahead!
Then-- I actually boarded the plane.
It was a six-seats-across-er. And I was in the VERY last row, in front of the bathroom, in the very middle of two people. But I was excited because there were on-board TV's and there was an NCIS marathon on USA! Very pleased. So pleased that I even texted my parents, emily, and Chase. But then right as we were taking off a message popped up saying it would cost me to continue watching. Nothankyou. I returned to my book. The Diary of Dora Damage -- it wasn't that bad. A bit racy at times, but over all its pretty good. I mean I did read almost 200 pages :)
So after a kind of miserable - hot sweaty and cramped - two and a half hours I made it to RDU and started working my way back to the park and ride. With out much difficulty I actually found Sadie rather quickly, and was prepared to drive back to Jvegas. But mom and dad asked me to not drive and to instead stay with my aunt. So I did. Michelle is very gracious. I walked into her house and saw a wall decal that I really wanted. This is a copy of it:
I don't think we'll be able to get the actual decal but I am trying to think of something so we can have a portable version. Maybe I'll get a little one and place it on a canvas or something.
Early this morning I drove back to babysit and was welcomed by an explosive diaper. Thats all I am going to say about that. I really hate it when Mommy bloggers give too many details. If you are a mommy blogger and this offends you-- I'm sorry, I'm sure you're a great person and I like knowing things about your kids, just not all things :)
After babysitting I did some errands, visited Michelle M., and came home and started working on resume's and looking for jobs in DSM. Anyone have any leads? Something theatre-y? Something artsy? Something a girl with a master's in theatre might be good at? I have some good leads already but I am always welcome to more!
Mom and I sat down to do the wedding to-craft list.
But tonight I'm going to watch NCIS and be lazy. Tomorrow I'll babysit then head to Micheal's. Lots of crafting ahead!
Friday, September 23, 2011
1 Month Till McCool-dom
I am sitting in the guest room in Chase's parents' house and just relaxing. I've watched lots of TV. Taken a lot of naps, and gone shopping. Wonderful! Since I turned in my second draft of my thesis to my advisor and he gets two weeks to read and get revisions back to me. Hopefully after this next set of revisions I am going to be on my way to defending my thesis!
But during this two weeks I have a jam packed schedule. I have been nannying/babysitting/kid watching like crazy and I plan to keep that going. It has been a blessing for me because it has let me "have a job" with out "having a job." That makes sense right?
Emily, one of my bestest friends/female soul mate, will arrive on October 8 and I am soooo thankful. I have so much wedding stuff to do. So much wedding stuff. Most of it is the "details," the little bits and pieces that go into making the wedding a masterpiece. Lots of paper to be folded, welcome booklets to be created, photographs to be framed, and wedding party gifts to be put together. But I'm very excited. It will be great to have Emily to talk to and be with while making this magic happen.
One other thing I really would like to make are pillows influenced by this Etsy seller: lovecalifornia
Today, Chase was sworn in as a Lawyer in the State of Iowa. I'm so blessed by him as a friend and as a partner in this crazy time in our lives. He is working on finding his perfect niche here in Iowa. I really believe in him and his talents. We are looking for clubs to join and groups to get involved with here in DSM. Got any suggestions? I don't want to say too much, but I am hopefully going to start blogging for a DSM entertainment website doing theatre and culture reviews. Wonderfullllly excited. I hope that even my non Des Moines readers on this blogs will also take the time to click on over to that weekly blog too.
Life here over the next month is going to radically change. And I cannot wait to chronicle it here on this blog. One month from now I'll be based in the midwest and Lordy, yall are going to have to support me through that one. They don't have Bojangles here. They have weird named grocery stores (Hy-vee? Wha?) and the city doesn't shut down when it snows. It will take some getting used to.
Are ya ready? This next month is going to be a whirlwind. I hope to blog a lot more than I usually do... keep reading and keep checking in daily. And Comments are always welcome.
But during this two weeks I have a jam packed schedule. I have been nannying/babysitting/kid watching like crazy and I plan to keep that going. It has been a blessing for me because it has let me "have a job" with out "having a job." That makes sense right?
Emily, one of my bestest friends/female soul mate, will arrive on October 8 and I am soooo thankful. I have so much wedding stuff to do. So much wedding stuff. Most of it is the "details," the little bits and pieces that go into making the wedding a masterpiece. Lots of paper to be folded, welcome booklets to be created, photographs to be framed, and wedding party gifts to be put together. But I'm very excited. It will be great to have Emily to talk to and be with while making this magic happen.
One other thing I really would like to make are pillows influenced by this Etsy seller: lovecalifornia
I am planning to put my own spin on them but I really love their quarkiness and how happy they are. Hopefully with the help of sewing extraordinaire Emily I can make ones for NC, VA, OH, IA that will fit onto standard size decorative pillows that you can get a craft supply stores. You know the boring white kind that fit inside of a much cooler pillow case. Anyway.
Speaking of Craftiness my Dad, who blogs here, started a new Kickstarter project today. It is centered around this awesome dogs he makes out of metal. If you've ever been to our house you've seen the prototypes for many years just chilling on our front porch. Well now you can have Rusty and the Crew come hang with you and your family. Trust me, he's easy to get along with and hangs out with the coolest people. You want to be a part of his gang. Check out Rusty's blog (everyone has blogs these days) and consider sponsoring his trip to stardom on Kickstarter.
Speaking of Craftiness my Dad, who blogs here, started a new Kickstarter project today. It is centered around this awesome dogs he makes out of metal. If you've ever been to our house you've seen the prototypes for many years just chilling on our front porch. Well now you can have Rusty and the Crew come hang with you and your family. Trust me, he's easy to get along with and hangs out with the coolest people. You want to be a part of his gang. Check out Rusty's blog (everyone has blogs these days) and consider sponsoring his trip to stardom on Kickstarter.
Today, Chase was sworn in as a Lawyer in the State of Iowa. I'm so blessed by him as a friend and as a partner in this crazy time in our lives. He is working on finding his perfect niche here in Iowa. I really believe in him and his talents. We are looking for clubs to join and groups to get involved with here in DSM. Got any suggestions? I don't want to say too much, but I am hopefully going to start blogging for a DSM entertainment website doing theatre and culture reviews. Wonderfullllly excited. I hope that even my non Des Moines readers on this blogs will also take the time to click on over to that weekly blog too.
Life here over the next month is going to radically change. And I cannot wait to chronicle it here on this blog. One month from now I'll be based in the midwest and Lordy, yall are going to have to support me through that one. They don't have Bojangles here. They have weird named grocery stores (Hy-vee? Wha?) and the city doesn't shut down when it snows. It will take some getting used to.
Are ya ready? This next month is going to be a whirlwind. I hope to blog a lot more than I usually do... keep reading and keep checking in daily. And Comments are always welcome.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Me and my Eqsuire
--edit--- please note that I spelled Esquire incorrectly... blame it on the headache.
Chase passed the BAR! Wooo hooo. I am so proud of him - not surprised at all - but very excited.
We also found a great apartment. Its a great price. Its a great location. Its a great size. Its small but not tiny. Its got character but isn't awkward. Here is a little hint of what it looks like... I'll take better before photos before we actually start moving stuff in to the space...

Hehe. Not a very good photo eh?
Yeah the apartment people didn't think when they were taking photos...
But trust me its great.
Chase passed the BAR! Wooo hooo. I am so proud of him - not surprised at all - but very excited.
We also found a great apartment. Its a great price. Its a great location. Its a great size. Its small but not tiny. Its got character but isn't awkward. Here is a little hint of what it looks like... I'll take better before photos before we actually start moving stuff in to the space...
Hehe. Not a very good photo eh?
Yeah the apartment people didn't think when they were taking photos...
But trust me its great.
We are 25 households away from having in all of our RSVP's. People are still on my good side. Mostly because I'm so stinking excited to get married.
I have the worst headache. The worst. I have had one two days in a row and nothing is helping. Last time I had a headache this bad I was in Iowa and Chase made me a big ol' bowl of Kraft Mac and Cheese. And it helped. Well I just finished my m'c and well. The headache is still with me. I want to sit in a dark room and listen to a book on tape and do nothing. I think my Emily is sending me her migraines. I love me some Emily. But she can keep her migraines.
I am one chapter away from being done with my thesis revisions. I want to work faster but I am really worn out from my head hurting. So I am just trying to be reasonable with myself. Difficult.
Tomorrow -because I am crazy- I am going to Durham to have lunch with Martha, do a little shopping, and deliver to her the massive amount of clothes I have collected for Freedom 4/24's Frocks for Freedom. If you are any where near Lynchburg you should go this upcoming weekend- I think its going to be a great time! Here is the Facebook Event page.
Okay I have to stop. My heads killing me.
I have the worst headache. The worst. I have had one two days in a row and nothing is helping. Last time I had a headache this bad I was in Iowa and Chase made me a big ol' bowl of Kraft Mac and Cheese. And it helped. Well I just finished my m'c and well. The headache is still with me. I want to sit in a dark room and listen to a book on tape and do nothing. I think my Emily is sending me her migraines. I love me some Emily. But she can keep her migraines.
I am one chapter away from being done with my thesis revisions. I want to work faster but I am really worn out from my head hurting. So I am just trying to be reasonable with myself. Difficult.
Tomorrow -because I am crazy- I am going to Durham to have lunch with Martha, do a little shopping, and deliver to her the massive amount of clothes I have collected for Freedom 4/24's Frocks for Freedom. If you are any where near Lynchburg you should go this upcoming weekend- I think its going to be a great time! Here is the Facebook Event page.
Okay I have to stop. My heads killing me.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
It feels like Noon
I have been awake - on purpose - since 2:00am.
Yep, you read that correctly. When I was at BGSU I realized that I work best in the middle of the night. Way late at night. So I went to bed early and set two alarms to wake me up during prime working hours.
And it works. It really works. I get so much more done when no one is posting to Facebook, trying to chat with me, or sending me emails that need answering. Plus the phone doesn't ring, Mom doesn't need me to help, and Chase isn't being sweet and distracting me. :)
I got an entire chapter of my thesis revised and planned out down to the articles that I will reference and the passages I will quote. All on my graph paper. Love that graph paper. I hope to get this paper written before the weekend is over and then I'll move on to the next chapter. The next chapter has significantly less edits to be made and I am hoping to have that one all finished by Tuesday. The last chapter needs about ten pages added to it. Plus I need to finish an intro and conclusion and I think I will be pretty much done by Monday 11 days from now.
Mom made pancakes. Blogging takes second place to pancakes made at home.
More later.
Yep, you read that correctly. When I was at BGSU I realized that I work best in the middle of the night. Way late at night. So I went to bed early and set two alarms to wake me up during prime working hours.
And it works. It really works. I get so much more done when no one is posting to Facebook, trying to chat with me, or sending me emails that need answering. Plus the phone doesn't ring, Mom doesn't need me to help, and Chase isn't being sweet and distracting me. :)
I got an entire chapter of my thesis revised and planned out down to the articles that I will reference and the passages I will quote. All on my graph paper. Love that graph paper. I hope to get this paper written before the weekend is over and then I'll move on to the next chapter. The next chapter has significantly less edits to be made and I am hoping to have that one all finished by Tuesday. The last chapter needs about ten pages added to it. Plus I need to finish an intro and conclusion and I think I will be pretty much done by Monday 11 days from now.
Mom made pancakes. Blogging takes second place to pancakes made at home.
More later.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Details and Dogs
I haven't blogged in such a long time. I haven't really had anything interesting to share with the world. Friday afternoon I received the first set of edits from my thesis advisor but since I was at my uncle's wedding in Myrtle Beach I just decided to wait until Sunday night to start revising my chapters. Here's a couple of great photos from the wedding. Good lookin' family if I may say so myself.
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Aunt Michelle and Me |
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Leo being Super Cute |
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Mom was the Matron of Honor |
Wedding plans are the other time-taker in my daily routine. The big plans have all been made but there are so man details left to be seen to. Wedding cake toppers, decorations, jewelry, hair styles... on and on and on... Details. Yesterday I paid the deposit to the guitarist, made hair appointments, mailed some invites (I have bad luck with putting the wrong addresses on things!), and organized the RSVP's. Let me just say three things.
- You don't just RSVP if you are attending you also RSVP if you are not attending. RSVPs are really important to those planning. We have to give numbers and we have to pay per person. This also goes for you if you are a relative or member of the wedding party. RSVPs are just polite and wonderful and welcomed. Please. Please. Please. Oh and RSVP early. Before the requested day . /end rant/
- I am really stinking excited. Crazy Crazy Crazy excited. Every time I receive one of the aforementioned RSVPs I get so excited.
- There are so many people that I wish could make the list of "invited." Chase and I have big families so that took a good 2/3 chunk of our available slots. Then the rest were those "close family friends" -- you know the friends of your parents that know all of your business. Thus the limits of space. It would have been different if we could have gotten married at First Baptist. But No Saturday night weddings at the Church. So no wedding for Lauren at the church.
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Grandma and the Granddaughters! |
Silly Parts of the Blog:
I am addicted to NCIS. Cannnnot stop watching.
I want about every single solitary item in the new Boden Catalog. Gift Cards Welcomed.
I drink a lot of coffee. A lot. Yet could nap at any point. Don't understand.
I would really like to have a cat.
I am crazy excited to decorate our new living situation - love this inspiration.
I would like to finally get my car cleaned - its got to stop raining!
I haven't gotten to read as many books as I would have liked.
I have a recipe for chocolate cobbler that I am dying to make.
I also have a recipe for caramel apple cheese cake that needs to be made.
I really love that all of these frozen yogurt places are popping up everywhere. Low(er) Cal Blizzard!
I am really excited to have Stephanie and Emily finally meet!
I am - for one of the first times ever - excited to buy makeup (for the wedding).
I am crazy excited for Chase's wedding band to arrive.
I have the darn best looking wedding party. Everyone is so darn good looking!
Um thats all of the randomness for now.
Friday, August 26, 2011
How to Wait for a Hurricane
- Sit in your house.
- Calm the dog down because he's as nervous as all get out.
- Try to not check the news every five minutes.
- Check and make sure you have everything ready including art supplies, books, oh and flashlights.
- Wait.
- Wait.
- Look outside.
- Wait.
- Nap.
- Wait.
- Watch last night's TV on Sidereel.
- Take another hot shower.
- Fill up some pitchers with water.
- Make sure Grandma remembers that she's to come over for the duration of the store. Yes Grandma, the storm is coming Today. Yes. The Hurricane. Yes your staying at our house. Okay see you soon.
- Wait.
Notice the trend?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
How to Prepare for a Hurricane
- Wash all of your clothes. Especially the icky ones you'd wear to work in the yard.
- Take a shower. Shave while you have hot water. Trust me.
- Make sure your yard is fly-and-hit-the-house/car proof.
- Don't go to the store and buy ridiculous amounts of water and bread like the rest. You'll never eat it all anyway.
- Eat the meat or other perishables in your fridge before the power goes out. Waste not.
- Make sure you have plenty of books, magazines, and other non-electric forms of entertainment.
- Charge your electronics. They'll eventually die but its nice while it lasts.
- Board up the large windows of your house. But not the small ones. Natural light is a great thing.
- Make sure you have all your meds. Including lots of tension headache. You'll be tense. Fact.
- Start mentally preparing yourself for having to do yard work. Your mom will make you. It is just how this family works.
- Comfort those who have never been in a hurricane. The news makes it seem much scarier than it really is. Just imagine that the hurricane is a snow/sand/rain storm or earthquake depending on what region of the country you're from. Its just part of life.
- Enjoy the AC. You'll miss it once its gone.
- Once everyone has showered fill the tub with water. Not for drinking but for toilet flushing. Important.
- Try to have an art project to work on while waiting for the storm to end. After a while reading/playing scrabble gets old.
- Don't freak out. There is nothing you can do to stop the weather. If your house gets it by a flying cow no amount of stress would have stopped it. (Wait... is that tornado?)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday Update
Hello blog. I am sitting on my parents' awesome couch. This couch is amazing. I don't know what it is I just like it a lot. Very comfortable. We're watching Hells Kitchen as a family. We love love this show. Who am I kidding? We love reality TV.
This week has started off Thesis free. I finished my first full draft on Saturday and sent it off to my professor. Felt pretty good but since I know that there will be revisions its not exactly relaxing. But I certainly won't complain.
What I will do is work my backside off between now and the wedding. And do editing once I receive feedback. I have been working to get baby/kid/house/pet sitting jobs and the Lord is blessing me with lots of opportunities via SitterCity and families from church. If anyone is interested in my excellent baby/kid/house/pet watching just let me know.
For those of you who suggested books i am going to start with Shanghai Girls and The Piano Lesson. I think. Or The Five Sisters... ahh I don'tknow.
I never got around to doing the food reviews from my travels with my Dad. I loved the food both at Pi in Saint Louis and at LAB in Asheville.
Beginning the job hunt in Des Moines. Just trusting God -- especially in this economy. I am hoping to have lots of small free lance jobs to make up resume building experiences. Just gotta figure out the best way to use my education and my practical skills. I would love to teach and write and have a chance to be creative as well as some time and flexibility.
My Uncle is getting married this weekend in Myrtle Beach. So we are headed to that and so is the hurricane. Yep Yep. Should be exciting. I hope that the weather doesn't get in the way of their weekend.
I finally found all of the accessories for my Wedding Dress. All set and ready. Still have about a billion things on my To-Do list. I am excited to be Mrs. McCool and that makes the details very exciting.
This week has started off Thesis free. I finished my first full draft on Saturday and sent it off to my professor. Felt pretty good but since I know that there will be revisions its not exactly relaxing. But I certainly won't complain.
What I will do is work my backside off between now and the wedding. And do editing once I receive feedback. I have been working to get baby/kid/house/pet sitting jobs and the Lord is blessing me with lots of opportunities via SitterCity and families from church. If anyone is interested in my excellent baby/kid/house/pet watching just let me know.
For those of you who suggested books i am going to start with Shanghai Girls and The Piano Lesson. I think. Or The Five Sisters... ahh I don'tknow.
I never got around to doing the food reviews from my travels with my Dad. I loved the food both at Pi in Saint Louis and at LAB in Asheville.
Beginning the job hunt in Des Moines. Just trusting God -- especially in this economy. I am hoping to have lots of small free lance jobs to make up resume building experiences. Just gotta figure out the best way to use my education and my practical skills. I would love to teach and write and have a chance to be creative as well as some time and flexibility.
My Uncle is getting married this weekend in Myrtle Beach. So we are headed to that and so is the hurricane. Yep Yep. Should be exciting. I hope that the weather doesn't get in the way of their weekend.
I finally found all of the accessories for my Wedding Dress. All set and ready. Still have about a billion things on my To-Do list. I am excited to be Mrs. McCool and that makes the details very exciting.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thesis Done = Read for Fun
These are the books I have to choose from now that I can read books not related to school projects.
But now that no one is telling me what to read I don't know where I want to start. Crisis.
Take a look and tell me what you think...
I mean it. Comment on this darn post or else I might lose my cool.
or something.
1. Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts
2. Sugar Queen
3. The Book of Salt
4. Swann's Way
5. The Golden Notebook
6. Five Sisters
7. Girls of a Tender Age
8. Where Girls Come First
9. Blue Shoe
10. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
11. Shanghai Girls
12. Ann the Word
13. The Piano Teacher
14. The Journal of Dora Damage
15. The Best of Times
Found wedding earrings and still hunting for wedding shoes.
In Jville? Need a babysitter? Call me! I just want us to have nice things!
But now that no one is telling me what to read I don't know where I want to start. Crisis.
Take a look and tell me what you think...
I mean it. Comment on this darn post or else I might lose my cool.
or something.
1. Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts
2. Sugar Queen
3. The Book of Salt
4. Swann's Way
5. The Golden Notebook
6. Five Sisters
7. Girls of a Tender Age
8. Where Girls Come First
9. Blue Shoe
10. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
11. Shanghai Girls
12. Ann the Word
13. The Piano Teacher
14. The Journal of Dora Damage
15. The Best of Times
Found wedding earrings and still hunting for wedding shoes.
In Jville? Need a babysitter? Call me! I just want us to have nice things!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Mini Update 8/18
I am watching last nights episode of Storage Wars and drinking my cup of coffee before I start working. Today I am working on a chapter that is narrative based and auto-ethnographical. I just really stared learning about this methodology in June and I really enjoy it. My goal is to finish this chapter today and then I'm well on my way to being finished and ready to edit by Sunday morning. I will send this thesis to my advisor by bed time on Saturday. Notice that - italicized letters - that means business.
Tonight my parents are having some people over for a pizza party using my Dad's newly built pizza oven. I plan on posting some happy photos this evening. Here is a little teaser...
Tonight my parents are having some people over for a pizza party using my Dad's newly built pizza oven. I plan on posting some happy photos this evening. Here is a little teaser...
Much more later!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Warning!! Warning!!
Got your attention eh? The warning is that you might need to steer clear of me this afternoon because I am going to get a TRIM just a TRIM haircut. If the stylist cuts too much I'm going to make a hurricane look tame...
Well not really. Its just hair... and hair grows back. So all of that was just a ploy to get you interested in this blog post. :)
Speaking of hurricanes though-- yesterday we had a tiny mini one here in Jacksonville. It looked like a hurricane outside. The sky was grey, it was crazy windy, and you couldn't see through the rain. The neighborhood was a mess afterwards. Limbs everywhere. There was even a broken tree down the street.
Oh my goodness I'm talking about the weather... I have hit a blogging low...
So yeah we lost power so I couldn't watch episodes of Big Love so instead I went shopping with my Mom. That being said I didn't get enough work done yesterday. I have a list...
Well not really. Its just hair... and hair grows back. So all of that was just a ploy to get you interested in this blog post. :)
Speaking of hurricanes though-- yesterday we had a tiny mini one here in Jacksonville. It looked like a hurricane outside. The sky was grey, it was crazy windy, and you couldn't see through the rain. The neighborhood was a mess afterwards. Limbs everywhere. There was even a broken tree down the street.
Oh my goodness I'm talking about the weather... I have hit a blogging low...
So yeah we lost power so I couldn't watch episodes of Big Love so instead I went shopping with my Mom. That being said I didn't get enough work done yesterday. I have a list...
And has lots of stuff to accomplish. Notice my love note from Emily and my Goat from Chase. Oh! Chase has started a great new blog-- hope he doesn't mind me sharing -- that has great stuff. Chase is a great writer. He finds interesting articles and puts them together so you don't have to go hunting for the good stuff.
I just got back from getting my hair cut and it went great. I saw Kathy (Cathy?) at Bella Salon and she did amazing job and she was super duper fun. So no hurricane needed.
I'm going to make a cup of coffee and get back to work. Yes. We bought K-Cups yesterday. I get to have real coffee. Whew.
I can't really focus on anything else interesting. Did you notice my new title for my blog? I am still searching for the right title once I move to DSM... but this will do for now! Alright my thesis is calling me... and I can't ignore her anymore. Shes like a pesky telemarketer or something. :)
I'm going to make a cup of coffee and get back to work. Yes. We bought K-Cups yesterday. I get to have real coffee. Whew.
I can't really focus on anything else interesting. Did you notice my new title for my blog? I am still searching for the right title once I move to DSM... but this will do for now! Alright my thesis is calling me... and I can't ignore her anymore. Shes like a pesky telemarketer or something. :)
Saw this today at Lowe's... Corn Carpet? Wha??
See photographic proof...
See photographic proof...
and Mom just showed me this great video!
Trust me-- its great and worth the two minutes!
Trust me-- its great and worth the two minutes!
Friday, August 12, 2011
K- Cups Needed something F-I-E-R-C-E!
I am exhausted from driving (okay I'll admit... riding) all the way back from Des Moines. I then unpacked and organized all of my worldly possessions (the ones of which don't dwell in our storage unit in Iowa) in my room and have really enjoyed being with my parents. But I will give you this little teaser-- I am working on two restaurant reviews one in St. Louis and one in Asheville. Both were pretty good! ( I for sure liked the Saint Louis place better of the two... ) Just wait and see!
One interesting tidbit of my life right now is that I am writing at the desk I did all of my homework at during middle and high school. Talk about come full circle. My first real homework and perhaps my last real homework (until PhD work? humm?) I am one week away from needing to send my advisor the first full draft. I am excited about the research and the work, but more excited for it to be done. There are fun books to read and naps to take... The last couple of summers I have devoured entire television series. I think this summer I will return to "United States of Tara" unless someone has a suggestion. I'll warn you you really gotta stretch to find a series that live streams on Netflix that I have not actually watched. I think Upstairs/Downstairs is another one I might enjoy. Especially the new version. Usually BBC Miniseries and Dramas are a little tough for me sometimes cause you have to pay attention. Haha. Its hard to be crafty or clean or other things when you actually have to pay attention to what people are saying for hours on end. Lord knows the BBC doesn't do anything truncated. Suggestions Welcomed. Especially ones that live stream...
I want a mocha. Really badly. In a ceramic mug, on a porch in the mountains, with a cool breeze, sweatpants, and a Penny Vincenzi novel (she's my new author crush). Instead I will go fix some instant coffee (decaf too- its all Mom has!) and get to work. I had an amazing interview with a scholar named Megan Sanborn Jones. It was so wonderful to get to talk to her. I really respect her work and after talking to her on the phone yesterday I also think she's an awesome person that I would love to have over for dinner parties! :) Nerdy Lauren.
Oh we're at like 71 days till the wedding. Yep yep yep. Things are really falling into place. I am still hunting for a way to do the photobooth, the guestbook, and the wedding programs. We're also considering how to do the send off... sparklers? Too dangerous? Suggestions?
Okay gotta get to work analyzing season 1's episode seven of Big Love (that is how I start Chapter one of my thesis). And to drinking decaf - someone bring me some Keurig K-Cups that have caffeine.
One interesting tidbit of my life right now is that I am writing at the desk I did all of my homework at during middle and high school. Talk about come full circle. My first real homework and perhaps my last real homework (until PhD work? humm?) I am one week away from needing to send my advisor the first full draft. I am excited about the research and the work, but more excited for it to be done. There are fun books to read and naps to take... The last couple of summers I have devoured entire television series. I think this summer I will return to "United States of Tara" unless someone has a suggestion. I'll warn you you really gotta stretch to find a series that live streams on Netflix that I have not actually watched. I think Upstairs/Downstairs is another one I might enjoy. Especially the new version. Usually BBC Miniseries and Dramas are a little tough for me sometimes cause you have to pay attention. Haha. Its hard to be crafty or clean or other things when you actually have to pay attention to what people are saying for hours on end. Lord knows the BBC doesn't do anything truncated. Suggestions Welcomed. Especially ones that live stream...
I want a mocha. Really badly. In a ceramic mug, on a porch in the mountains, with a cool breeze, sweatpants, and a Penny Vincenzi novel (she's my new author crush). Instead I will go fix some instant coffee (decaf too- its all Mom has!) and get to work. I had an amazing interview with a scholar named Megan Sanborn Jones. It was so wonderful to get to talk to her. I really respect her work and after talking to her on the phone yesterday I also think she's an awesome person that I would love to have over for dinner parties! :) Nerdy Lauren.
Oh we're at like 71 days till the wedding. Yep yep yep. Things are really falling into place. I am still hunting for a way to do the photobooth, the guestbook, and the wedding programs. We're also considering how to do the send off... sparklers? Too dangerous? Suggestions?
Okay gotta get to work analyzing season 1's episode seven of Big Love (that is how I start Chapter one of my thesis). And to drinking decaf - someone bring me some Keurig K-Cups that have caffeine.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pizza and Partying with Dad
My dad flew into Detroit on Thursday and we spent my last night in Bowling Green... and as I have said before if BG has anything its pizza. So of course we went to Myles. I had that awesome pizza that we ate in the Costume Shop during the semester. It is thick crust, ranch sauce, mozzarella, artichoke hearts, red onions, and bacon. Heck yes. It is sooo amazing. It was a really nice night with my Dad. We came home and ate Weight Watchers Latte Bars (which are out of this world) and watched Project Runway. Dad wins the award for coolest dad ever!
Lets just say-- I was wildly stressed about packing and getting everything in the car...
After three trips to Goodwill, two sets of selling my possessions, and a lot of sweat we crammed everything into my car. Now, I pride myself on my incredible packing abilities-- but when it came to this situation I was just too stressed and didn't care. But we made it happen. And got in the car and out of Ohio. Whew whooo! Six hours on Friday, Six on Saturday and then Lots of Chase time!
We had a lovely lovely lovely two days with the family and left with a lot less stuff in my car and Lynn's wedding dress! We are using it for the display at the wedding. Very excited. We're now in Saint Louis and staying at an amazing hotel and just had an amazing night out. We saw a great indie film, went to an awesome local resturant, and now are watching Hoarders. Haha. Tomorrow night once we get to Asheville I will write a good review of tonight's dinner. I am too tired right now. Very out of it... and Hoarders is on... which makes it hard for me to focus on anything other than cleaning :)
Tomorrow is a long day. I will be more interesting tomorrow. Promise :)
Lets just say-- I was wildly stressed about packing and getting everything in the car...
After three trips to Goodwill, two sets of selling my possessions, and a lot of sweat we crammed everything into my car. Now, I pride myself on my incredible packing abilities-- but when it came to this situation I was just too stressed and didn't care. But we made it happen. And got in the car and out of Ohio. Whew whooo! Six hours on Friday, Six on Saturday and then Lots of Chase time!
We had a lovely lovely lovely two days with the family and left with a lot less stuff in my car and Lynn's wedding dress! We are using it for the display at the wedding. Very excited. We're now in Saint Louis and staying at an amazing hotel and just had an amazing night out. We saw a great indie film, went to an awesome local resturant, and now are watching Hoarders. Haha. Tomorrow night once we get to Asheville I will write a good review of tonight's dinner. I am too tired right now. Very out of it... and Hoarders is on... which makes it hard for me to focus on anything other than cleaning :)
Tomorrow is a long day. I will be more interesting tomorrow. Promise :)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Home (?) Again
I am back in BG. It took me 12 hours to get from Iowa to my front door. I only stopped once... for gas and a burger. Total of ten minutes stopped time. I almost stopped at the outlets in Iowa... but thankfully I didn't or else the trip would have probably made it up to 14 hours from door to door. Yikes.
The drive is really beautiful. Iowa - as many don't know - is very hilly and lovely. Indiana and Illinois on the other hand are not. Currently they are covered in construction and repetitive billboards for fireworks places. Not beautiful.
The drive is really beautiful. Iowa - as many don't know - is very hilly and lovely. Indiana and Illinois on the other hand are not. Currently they are covered in construction and repetitive billboards for fireworks places. Not beautiful.
Traffic was so slow it was actually safe for me to take photos with my phone... see:
![]() |
Pretty good quality for a phone camera. |
So yeah. Lots of driving. While on the road I listened to books on tape about the transcendentalists of the 19th century (the book is called American Bloomsbury) and Ke$ha and Gaga. Of course. I always think of Louisa May Alacott, Margaret Fuller and Gaga in the same category. Bold American women. :) I'm so so sure I'd go so far as to call Ke$ha bold in a positive way... but I love her!
Now that I am home I have to pack pack pack and write write write. Yesterday, Saturday, I was exhausted. Headache because you are so tired exhausted. I did a lot of sleeping and walking around my apartment looking at the mess and not really doing anything about it. You know that point where you move stuff around... its not really cleaning its just moving the mess around... yeah thats what I was doing. I watched some Hoarders and NCIS - surprise surprise- and got my check from the Consignment store. Made a 100 bucks! Its all going into the ChaseWeddingBandFund. I decided to focus my freak out about money issues towards saving for Chase's ring. Its very cool. He has an idea of what it looks like but doesn't know for sure. So of course I'm not going to post it on my blog till after the big day!
I have made a good deal of money by selling my possessions on Craigslist. I am diligently saving that money to decorate our new apartment. Which means I have been doing lots of Craigslist hunting myself, DIY Tutorials, and going to vintage/antique/salvage stores. I want projects! As my faithful readers know I am hunting for the perfect dresser and have resigned myself to not buy anything dresser-esqe until I actually find what I want-- even if it means living out of boxes. :)
My first purchase was this awesome stained glass window with the big glass pane in the middle missing. So its kind of like a frame with in a frame that I am going to fill in with a chalkboard for our kitchen! Very very excited. Its hard to describe, but since its in Iowa I cannot take a photo for you... but I do have this little treasure to share. As I was wandering around Architectural Salvage in downtown Duh'Monies I came across this little piece of theatre history.
I have made a good deal of money by selling my possessions on Craigslist. I am diligently saving that money to decorate our new apartment. Which means I have been doing lots of Craigslist hunting myself, DIY Tutorials, and going to vintage/antique/salvage stores. I want projects! As my faithful readers know I am hunting for the perfect dresser and have resigned myself to not buy anything dresser-esqe until I actually find what I want-- even if it means living out of boxes. :)
My first purchase was this awesome stained glass window with the big glass pane in the middle missing. So its kind of like a frame with in a frame that I am going to fill in with a chalkboard for our kitchen! Very very excited. Its hard to describe, but since its in Iowa I cannot take a photo for you... but I do have this little treasure to share. As I was wandering around Architectural Salvage in downtown Duh'Monies I came across this little piece of theatre history.
I don't rightly know what to say about that... First of all - Who buys something like this just to have in their home, Second- who has saved it in such good condition for all this time, and Third- how much do you charge form something like that? Interesting. I was glad I stumbled across it, but think I made the right purchase a window rather than a drum...
So yes. Architectural Salvage advertised Junk Bonanza and I desperately want to go! I might have to go to Iowa a little early for my September visit and road trip up to Minnesota. I've never been there. First time for everything! Do I have any readers in MN? Want to go shopping? Chase just said he'd go with me... anyone else?
In one hour (1pm) I have to start working. I have made a deal with myself. 45 minutes of uninterrupted work then a half an hour off. If I break that 45 minutes the timer has to start over! I also will start house sitting tomorrow for one of my professors. The one who has the really great kids who I babysat earlier in the summer. So I figure I can write there as easily as I can write here and walking over there will be good exercise. So yes. Some work today but tomorrow-- really hunkering down. What does that mean hunkering? Anyway.
My dad will arrive on the 4th and we'll finish packing everything up and get on the road. Hope it all fits... :/ might have to mail myself some stuff... am using the rooms of my apartment to sort my stuff. The things that go to and stay in Iowa are in the office, the things that travel all the way to Jvegas live in my bedroom. Brilliant I know. Haha.
I am trying to eat all of the food in my fridge... anyone want to come over for some Spaghetti and... um.... frozen corn? :)
I'll update tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to report back that my plan is working!
My dad will arrive on the 4th and we'll finish packing everything up and get on the road. Hope it all fits... :/ might have to mail myself some stuff... am using the rooms of my apartment to sort my stuff. The things that go to and stay in Iowa are in the office, the things that travel all the way to Jvegas live in my bedroom. Brilliant I know. Haha.
I am trying to eat all of the food in my fridge... anyone want to come over for some Spaghetti and... um.... frozen corn? :)
I'll update tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to report back that my plan is working!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Chase has finished taking the Bar! And I am so proud of him for surviving it! :) I think he'll do really well and he is feeling satisfied... which is all I can ask for! Thank you to everyone for your prayers and your positive vibes! He really appreciated all of your support!
Today (it is 7:20am Central) is my last full day in Des Moines. Tomorrow I head back to BG. Eleven hours. Bleck. So today is full of picking up my stuff from around the house and taking things to the storage unit and kissing Chase so much that he it makes him laugh because its so ridiculous!
I am very anxious about my thesis. It is partially the reason I am heading back to BG. Plus I have a book super overdue that needs to get back to the library. Ha. I am still trying to sell at lot of my stuff on Craigslist and I am having some pretty good success. I have a Wii to sell, some dishes, and some other little household items. I have had some people contact me and I am hoping all of that goes through and I make that little bit of extra money. Every little bit helps!
This isn't a very exciting blog but I have had a headache for the last 12 hours or so. Don't know what it is that is causing the problem - but I have taken meds and everything including drinking coffee (the miracle drug) and it just wanes a little and then starts all over again. I woke up and it is still there. Blah.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to find a great 1960's dresser. (See Below) I really want one for our bed room in our new apartment. I'm trying to buy good used stuff so we can buy a new couch. Frankly a used couch gives me the hibegibees. But it might be required to get one that I like and that works with my ideas of couches that are living in my head.
I head back to Jville around August 7 or so. Going to be there till after the wedding. Anyone need an occasional nanny or babysitter? Or a house cleaner? I really would love to make some extra cash while still being able to do wedding planning and things like that.
Any other suggestions?
Today (it is 7:20am Central) is my last full day in Des Moines. Tomorrow I head back to BG. Eleven hours. Bleck. So today is full of picking up my stuff from around the house and taking things to the storage unit and kissing Chase so much that he it makes him laugh because its so ridiculous!
I am very anxious about my thesis. It is partially the reason I am heading back to BG. Plus I have a book super overdue that needs to get back to the library. Ha. I am still trying to sell at lot of my stuff on Craigslist and I am having some pretty good success. I have a Wii to sell, some dishes, and some other little household items. I have had some people contact me and I am hoping all of that goes through and I make that little bit of extra money. Every little bit helps!
This isn't a very exciting blog but I have had a headache for the last 12 hours or so. Don't know what it is that is causing the problem - but I have taken meds and everything including drinking coffee (the miracle drug) and it just wanes a little and then starts all over again. I woke up and it is still there. Blah.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to find a great 1960's dresser. (See Below) I really want one for our bed room in our new apartment. I'm trying to buy good used stuff so we can buy a new couch. Frankly a used couch gives me the hibegibees. But it might be required to get one that I like and that works with my ideas of couches that are living in my head.
Anyone Have One that They Want to Donate?
I head back to Jville around August 7 or so. Going to be there till after the wedding. Anyone need an occasional nanny or babysitter? Or a house cleaner? I really would love to make some extra cash while still being able to do wedding planning and things like that.
Any other suggestions?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Meet Rusty!
My birthday yesterday was awesome. Really awesome.
Chase was so excited to start his well-planned much anticipated day of Lauren celebrating that he woke me up at 7:15a. He was very sweet and offered to make me breakfast in bed. As wonderful as that is I am way too figity to eat in a bed so I joined him and his Mom downstairs.
I was greeted with a McCool Family tradition. A Birthday Sign! The family decorated this silly and fun computer-paper-banner for me. There was a guy being shot out of a canon. I know. Awesome. It also means that I am a part of the family. Very very cool.
My breakfast was perfect. Coffee - of course - and pancakes with chocolate chips, bananas, and blueberries. Yumm! After being lazy in the morning I made our lunches and went to Drake. I was supposed to be working but I got distracted Facebooking and Chatting with Emily. Chase finished his third to last day of bar studying and we went home to nap. We nap a lot. Chase works realy hard and gets tired... I just like to nap. I did read some of my new book The Fig Eater which is pretty good. Perfect summer reading. What are you reading right now?
Mom and Dad McCool offered to take us out for dinner to celebrate and before we left the house Chase let me open my presents! I really don't like it when they sing to you at restaurants so opening them at home was the solution to that miserable experience! So after much anticipation I got to open a big bag of presents!
First: I got my watch fixed! I have always loved my bright yellow watch but my dark wash jeans had done what they do and bled die onto the leather band. So Chaser got me a new leather band! Here is the one He (I) picked!
Second: I received another shirt for my "Des Money's" collection (I like to call Des Moines Des Money's). It like my others is from Raygun a local store that makes funny shirts. This one is about a neighborhood here that I really love- Beaverdale. It has the best selection of Bungalows and Craftsman style homes. I would love to live there sometime so Chase decided that shirt was the right one for me. Now most people won't get what the joke is... FYI: Snookies is a legendary Ice Cream place thats in Beaverdale... Its funny to those from DSM... and those who are marrying those from DSM.
Except mine is an awesome grape/purple color! |
Fourth: (my favorite) Many of you may remember Gracie our Goat (Painting). I really love her bright colors and happy little face. Well, Chase has done it again! He is helping me create a collection of happy silly goat paintings! I love that this is our silly thing. For the record - please don't start buying me goat figurenes or stuff like that... just paintings if your looking to add to the collection. I want to be the funny goat painting lady not the weird goat stuff lady. So here is #2 in our collection: Rusty!
He is by an artist named Teri Kman. |
Isn't he the cutest?
Once I was done opening presents we made our way to Macaroni Grill. I could have just eaten bread and tiramisu and been happy but I also had some other yummy stuff! After a really lovely time together we made our way to Americana.
Wow we had a wonderful time with some DSM friends and it was full of laughing and storytelling and fun food and drinks! It was good food but I think I like Django better...which is where Keelia and I went a few weeks ago. I must admit I'm just comparing the cheese plates of each restaurant... I ordered the cheese plate at both! But they did give me a birthday dessert that was fun! It was a BACON Chocolate brownie topped with Kaluah mousse and homemade coconut ice cream! Whew it was great great great! I know it sounds weird but I loved it. Over all just a really great night! Great friends, family and food. Oh and goat paintings!
I am a blessed woman! I have been looking for volunteer things to begin working with here in DSM, but until I actually make the move I am helping my friend Martha collect new and gently used name brand women's clothes, shoes, bags and accessories. If you have some that you are willing to donate please please please message me. They are going to go to help fun an awesome and really respectable organization named Freedom 4/24. As a non-profit organization, Freedom 4/24 exists to raise awareness of the rampant sexual exploitation of women around the world, and specifically in Southeast Asia, while raising money to support Christ-centered ministries that seek to rescue women enslaved in the sex industry. Please consider donating your fashion-excess! :)
Chase is getting closer and closer to the bar exam. I'm really proud of him. He is such a hard worker! Gooooooo Chaser!
Thanks for reading! I love seeing my "visits" counter go up up up when I post a new post! Do you have a blog you'd like more readers to visit? Lets spread the good word post your blog or website to the comments!
PS: I am selling my Wii. I'll have more info August 1st if your interested. Let me know...
Once I was done opening presents we made our way to Macaroni Grill. I could have just eaten bread and tiramisu and been happy but I also had some other yummy stuff! After a really lovely time together we made our way to Americana.
Wow we had a wonderful time with some DSM friends and it was full of laughing and storytelling and fun food and drinks! It was good food but I think I like Django better...which is where Keelia and I went a few weeks ago. I must admit I'm just comparing the cheese plates of each restaurant... I ordered the cheese plate at both! But they did give me a birthday dessert that was fun! It was a BACON Chocolate brownie topped with Kaluah mousse and homemade coconut ice cream! Whew it was great great great! I know it sounds weird but I loved it. Over all just a really great night! Great friends, family and food. Oh and goat paintings!
I am a blessed woman! I have been looking for volunteer things to begin working with here in DSM, but until I actually make the move I am helping my friend Martha collect new and gently used name brand women's clothes, shoes, bags and accessories. If you have some that you are willing to donate please please please message me. They are going to go to help fun an awesome and really respectable organization named Freedom 4/24.
Chase is getting closer and closer to the bar exam. I'm really proud of him. He is such a hard worker! Gooooooo Chaser!
Thanks for reading! I love seeing my "visits" counter go up up up when I post a new post! Do you have a blog you'd like more readers to visit? Lets spread the good word post your blog or website to the comments!
PS: I am selling my Wii. I'll have more info August 1st if your interested. Let me know...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I have titled this blog (thus far) Act II: Graduate School.
But I'm technically not going to graduate school any more... but I've not made it to Act III: Mrs. Iowa Esquire yet. I am still here in the middle. I will always be a Carolina girl. I get my twang when ever I'm mad ... or flirting... and I don't think that will ever go away. But I am thisclose to being done with my thesis and I already finished all of my coursework.
I think I might change my title... and knowing me I'll probably change it a couple of times over the next few days!
The feminist in me - she springs up sometimes - doesn't want to create a title centered upon my status as a wife but also loves the idea of being a wife and all of the exciting things and blog topics it will inspire. I guess I could be open to suggestions... maybe. I dunno.
Today is another day in the Drake Law Library. Hoepfully will get a lot of reading done and hopefully some writing. I'd like to hit ten pages by tomorrow.
Tomorrow: My BIRTHDAY! Chase has been very sneaky and planned some fun stuff but I have no idea what he's up to... guess we'll see.
So I conclude with this?
What should my new title be?
But I'm technically not going to graduate school any more... but I've not made it to Act III: Mrs. Iowa Esquire yet. I am still here in the middle. I will always be a Carolina girl. I get my twang when ever I'm mad ... or flirting... and I don't think that will ever go away. But I am thisclose to being done with my thesis and I already finished all of my coursework.
I think I might change my title... and knowing me I'll probably change it a couple of times over the next few days!
The feminist in me - she springs up sometimes - doesn't want to create a title centered upon my status as a wife but also loves the idea of being a wife and all of the exciting things and blog topics it will inspire. I guess I could be open to suggestions... maybe. I dunno.
Today is another day in the Drake Law Library. Hoepfully will get a lot of reading done and hopefully some writing. I'd like to hit ten pages by tomorrow.
Tomorrow: My BIRTHDAY! Chase has been very sneaky and planned some fun stuff but I have no idea what he's up to... guess we'll see.
So I conclude with this?
What should my new title be?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Date Night with Esquire*
So if you ever make it to DSM eat at Flying Mango. Trust Me. |
Let me just tell you folks-- Flying Mango in Des Moines is amazing. Really amazing. Chase treated me to dinner last night at one of my favorite restaurants in Iowa. I ordered a pulled pork sandwich, goat cheese mashed potatoes, and their AMAZING cornbread. If you don't know my eating habits very well (and who does except maybe my Mom and maybe Emily?) you should know that I don't like eating pork or pretty much any meat except chicken... and bacon. Oh and ground hamburger. I used to be a pescatarian - which mean I only ate fish - and slowly missed Chik-Fil-A too much! Anyway. I have digressed. Flying Mango's food is amazing. They make their own BBQ sauce and whew I could mix it with mud and it would still taste amazing. I am really looking forward to my left-overs for lunch!
No we aren't in this photo... its just a Google photo of the dining room.... |
Yesterday was my parents' 31 anniversary. How wonderful is that? When Chase and I called them to wish them congrats they were on their way to the Little Dipper in Wilmington to celebrate at 70's night. That makes a bit more sense when you consider that Little Dipper is a fondue restaurant that our family loves! I love that they are headed out for Fondue. What cool parents. In honor of them we simply had to celebrate... see above ;)
This time next week Chase will be taking his last day of the bar exam. Whew - he has worked so hard, and is so motivated. I am right now with him at the Drake Law Library and he's working away while I listen to Studio 360 and blog. I'll eventually get to work but for now I am just relaxing. I need more coffee... just saying.
Not much more to talk about. Like I said yesterday I'm getting used to the idea of having to go home... but not liking it! I really want to have this chapter done by the time I leave town. Which is totally possible. Then I'll just be waiting on clearance to do my interviews for chapter three. August 20 comes upon me fast... but I am confident.
The biggest distractions I have suffered from lately are home decorating websites (especially ones with do-it-yourself-tutorials) and Etsy's jewelery. I am hunting for the perfect things... and then trying to figure out how to get them fo'cheap. I just stumbled upon this photograph (here) and really love this dining room. This blue green color is going to be all throughout our house. Its so calming and fabulous. The article talks about how your "supposed" to not paint eating-rooms in blue but how that is very silly. I love it. I am excited to nest. I think I might have said that before ;)
This time next week Chase will be taking his last day of the bar exam. Whew - he has worked so hard, and is so motivated. I am right now with him at the Drake Law Library and he's working away while I listen to Studio 360 and blog. I'll eventually get to work but for now I am just relaxing. I need more coffee... just saying.
Not much more to talk about. Like I said yesterday I'm getting used to the idea of having to go home... but not liking it! I really want to have this chapter done by the time I leave town. Which is totally possible. Then I'll just be waiting on clearance to do my interviews for chapter three. August 20 comes upon me fast... but I am confident.
The biggest distractions I have suffered from lately are home decorating websites (especially ones with do-it-yourself-tutorials) and Etsy's jewelery. I am hunting for the perfect things... and then trying to figure out how to get them fo'cheap. I just stumbled upon this photograph (here) and really love this dining room. This blue green color is going to be all throughout our house. Its so calming and fabulous. The article talks about how your "supposed" to not paint eating-rooms in blue but how that is very silly. I love it. I am excited to nest. I think I might have said that before ;)
This episode of Studio 360 is doing an interview with Laura Cantrell about her album Kitty Wells' Dresses. Really great. Apparently Kitty Wells wrote "racy" country songs during the 1950's. She's awesome. I really like the album and I think I might buy it. I like the ollllld country music that tells fabulously sad stories. I think it links back to my love for Appalachian Folk Music. Here is the specific link to the interview. Give it a chance.
Apparently Mac released a new operating system today. Its called Lion.. I don't know if I should get it... will my fellow Mac Geeks/Cult Members fill me in on the scoop? My favorite organizing program Evernote told me I'd need the update to get all of the best Evernote stuff. Is it worth the 30 bucks?
so maybe youre wondering why I just called Chase "Esquire"
so maybe youre wondering why I just called Chase "Esquire"
well I just love that title for Lawyers. he technically doesn't have it yet...
he has to pass the bar first
he has to pass the bar first
but I really believe in him so i've already given it to him!
Monday, July 18, 2011
First World Problems
Today I picked which apartment we'd be moving to once we move here by choosing the one that would allow us to paint the walls.Talk about a first world problem- needing to be able to paint an apartment! I am a blessed woman if that is my biggest concern. We've found some good places and it feels good to have somewhere set up and ready to go when we move here. But I've also said that before... so it might change before I go home to NC. Hahah
I have been doing some legwork to try to make Theatre connections here in DSM. I don't want to jinx whats in the works but I hope that something works out for me. I would really like to do some dramaturgy while I am here. I might not get paid to do it but I would like to not stop doing theatre work. I am most likely going to have to do some other work to make some money but I'll do it for my art!! Ha.
My birthday is this Friday. I'll be 24. That is wild to me. I'm 24 and done with graduate courses and getting married. Wild. I am blessed and excited. I don't really have anything I want per se for my birthday. Well I take that back. I would like the following
1. My thesis to be finished.
2. My thesis to be successfully defended.
3. My friends all be able to attend our wedding
4. Furniture that is vintage and fabulous and cheap for our apartment
5. Very little snow this winter in Iowa.
I think a list of five un-purchasable things sounds good enough. I really am so blessed. I have been so well taken care of lately. But I'll always take gift cards to Fossil or Trader Joe's or Target or Half Price Books. Ya know if my readers are interested. Chase has something in the works and I have no idea what it is... I asked for a new band for my watch... which I have a good feeling about... but who knows!? He's great at presents. We're also planning to go to Americana which is down town. I haven't been there before but it gets great reviews and has lots of fru-fru cheese on the menu! You know I love that stuff! I'll update later this weekend!
I am going to miss being here with Chase everyday when I head home next week. I am a little worried about fitting all of my stuff into my car to get it back to Iowa. I am going to try to Craig's List as much as I can and maybe send some stuff home. I feel like I am repeating myself on my blog. I might and if I am please forgive. Life is slow and happy here; not a lot of stresses. Oh for the record the Strawberry Cheesequake from DQ is way better than the Cheesecake thing at Coldstone. I know these things. Trust me.
Tomorrow I will spend the day reading about Antonio Gramsci and his ideas about hegemonic culture. I want a really productive day tomorrow. I am going to work really hard. No internet tomorrow until 5pm. Oh my thats a dangerous thing to type. If I put it on my blog I actually have to do it or else I'll feel guilty. I can't even imagine how much I will accomplish if I stay off of blogs and Facebook and and tumblr and about a billion other sites. Um yep.
Through out the blog today I have tried to inspire you with some of my cool DIY finds that have distracted me from my thesis writing. Yep there I admitted it. I've been a little distracted. :-/ Enjoy these DIYs and pray for me tomorrow as I try to work my butt off at Drake.
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1. My thesis to be finished.
2. My thesis to be successfully defended.
3. My friends all be able to attend our wedding
4. Furniture that is vintage and fabulous and cheap for our apartment
5. Very little snow this winter in Iowa.
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