Thursday, July 28, 2011


Chase has finished taking the Bar! And I am so proud of him for surviving it! :) I think he'll do really well and he is feeling satisfied... which is all I can ask for! Thank you to everyone for your prayers and your positive vibes! He really appreciated all of your support!

Today (it is 7:20am Central) is my last full day in Des Moines. Tomorrow I head back to BG. Eleven hours. Bleck. So today is full of picking up my stuff from around the house and taking things to the storage unit and kissing Chase so much that he it makes him laugh because its so ridiculous!

I am very anxious about my thesis. It is partially the reason I am heading back to BG. Plus I have a book super overdue that needs to get back to the library. Ha. I am still trying to sell at lot of my stuff on Craigslist and I am having some pretty good success. I have a Wii to sell, some dishes, and some other little household items. I have had some people contact me and I am hoping all of that goes through and I make that little bit of extra money. Every little bit helps!

This isn't a very exciting blog but I have had a headache for the last 12 hours or so. Don't know what it is that is causing the problem - but I have taken meds and everything including drinking coffee (the miracle drug) and it just wanes a little and then starts all over again.  I woke up and it is still there. Blah.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to find a great 1960's dresser. (See Below) I really want one for our bed room in our new apartment. I'm trying to buy good used stuff so we can buy a new couch. Frankly a used couch gives me the hibegibees. But it might be required to get one that I like and that works with my ideas of couches that are living in my head.

Anyone Have One that They Want to Donate?

I head back to Jville around August 7 or so. Going to be there till after the wedding. Anyone need an occasional nanny or babysitter? Or a house cleaner? I really would love to make some extra cash while still being able to do wedding planning and things like that.
Any other suggestions?


  1. Cousin Connie here...It's been my casual observation that many upper Midwest cities are good for mid-century furniture. I see a ton of it in local thrift stores and Craig's, and I have a set similar to your first pic that I got for a great price here. And even though Des Moines isn't quite Chicagoland, I suspect you'll find the same if you look hard enough. And peaking of Chicago - you should come visit sometime!

  2. Lauren... you can try a couple of things/places for a 1960's dresser... or downtown des moines there is a store for that kind of stuff...ask Katie about it.

    Uncle B

  3. Very cool, Byron. I am thinking I'd like to spend less than 250 for it... so everyone in Des Moines or nearby-- Please be on the look out! :)
