Sunday, July 17, 2011

Welcome Mason!

Last night Chase's Aunt had a baby! Very happy! His name is Mason Jude and he's healthy and his Mommy is recovering nicely! I love that Mason was born the same year Chase and I are getting married-- we'll always remember how old he is! :) His dad, Byron, was a smiley happy Daddy and Chase and I are so proud of them and are excited to be part of Mason's life!

Iowa is treating me well... I have been working on my thesis, planning some wedding stuff, and watching lots of Storage Wars. Not the most exciting summer ever, but I am so thankful to be here with Chase and his family.

We think we might have found an apartment. The only thing we don't like about it is the lack of washer and drier, but they do have them in the building... as long as I don't have to go to a laundry mat! Never a good option. I am excited to actually get the apartment leased and move in and start nesting. I am on the hunt for a circle dining room table made of wood. I want to sand it down and paint it a happy fun color! Or do something cool like that. I am so excited to nest. Hahah.

Thesis writing is slow sometimes, but its happening. A little over a month until my final draft is due to my advisor. I am feeling pretty confident. Except that I still haven't received the final "go ahead" from the Human Subject Review Board so I am stressing a little bit about my final chapter which is primarily based upon interviews.  Yesterday was a great breakthrough day. I crafted my thesis statement/research question for the chapter about Big Love and Sister Wives. It just might include some Marxist theory.... :) Can't avoid it!

Wedding stuff is going amazingly. Sometimes it feels like I am on a WEtv or TLC show where someone plans a lavish wedding and I get to just show up and be pretty. My Mom is an awesome wedding planner. I love it- she'll call me and say " I am going to do XYZ, is that okay?" The answer is always  "Yes" She's got such great ideas. She's very good at wedding planning!

I will head home August 30 after Chase finishes taking the Bar Exam. I will spend the next three days closing up shop in bowling green and trying to eat all of the food in my pantry! I am a little worried about getting all of my stuff to Iowa. I think it will all fit in my car... but we'll see. I might send a big box of clothes home to my parents -- the stuff I need to live in Jacksonville.

I -so far- am not planning to work while at my parents. Just focus on finishing my thesis, making stuff for the wedding, and finally getting to take a break. I wish I could have substituted but the red tape to be able to do so is kind of intense and won't work with my schedule. Grr. That would have been nice money. It makes me crazy that I'm licensed to TEACH in the state, but I can't substitute. Blech. If any one in Jacksonville knows of some work that you think would be great for a slightly brain dead graduate school student let me know. :)

This morning Chase and I will be re-visiting Hope Lutheran Church in West Des Moines. Its big and has lots of minsitries and lots of opportunities. Seems to be the church that Chase and I like the most- we've tried a couple and just didn't find the right fit.  Iowa is a political hot bed right now. Candidates are popping up everywhere. And two of the church's we visited were hosting Michelle Bauchmann. She's not our favorite... and so that helped make some of the decisions easier. We'll hear the head pastor today at Hope Lutheran and we're excited to see how we like him!

Then after church its back to Drake Law library. I am hoping to get a better grasp on the Gramsci theories I am using. We'll see if I have the gumption to make that happen!

So I am terribly wanting a Pumpernickel Bagel with cream cheese and tomato. From Bruegger's Bagels... please. Sorry I dont have any photos to upload today. They would be kind of dull... lots of photos of me reading books and watching Big Love. Yep.

Breaking Bad comes on again tonight. Love Love Love it. Cannot wait to see what is going to happen!

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