Monday, July 18, 2011

First World Problems

Today I picked which apartment we'd be moving to once we move here by choosing the one that would allow us to paint the walls.Talk about a first world problem- needing to be able to paint an apartment! I am a blessed woman if that is my biggest concern. We've found some good places and it feels good to have somewhere set up and ready to go when we move here. But I've also said that before... so it might change before I go home to NC. Hahah
I have been doing some legwork to try to make Theatre connections here in DSM. I don't want to jinx whats in the works but I hope that something works out for me. I would really like to do some dramaturgy while I am here. I might not get paid to do it but I would like to not stop doing theatre work. I am most likely going to have to do some other work to make some money but I'll do it for my art!! Ha.
My birthday is this Friday. I'll be 24. That is wild to me. I'm 24 and done with graduate courses and getting married. Wild. I am blessed and excited. I don't really have anything I want per se for my birthday. Well I take that back. I would like the following
1.  My thesis to be finished.
2.  My thesis to be successfully defended.
3.  My friends all be able to attend our wedding
4.  Furniture that is vintage and fabulous and cheap for our apartment
5.  Very little snow this winter in Iowa.
I think a list of five un-purchasable things sounds good enough. I really am so blessed. I have been so well taken care of lately. But I'll always take gift cards to Fossil or Trader Joe's or Target or Half Price Books. Ya know if my readers are interested.  Chase has something in the works and I have no idea what it is... I asked for a new band for my watch... which I have a good feeling about... but who knows!? He's great at presents. We're also planning to go to Americana which is down town. I haven't been there before but it gets great reviews and has lots of fru-fru cheese on the menu! You know I love that stuff! I'll update later this weekend!

I am going to miss being here with Chase everyday when I head home next week. I am a little worried about fitting all of my stuff into my car to get it back to Iowa. I am going to try to Craig's List as much as I can and maybe send some stuff home. I feel like I am repeating myself on my blog. I might and if I am please forgive. Life is slow and happy here; not a lot of stresses. Oh for the record the Strawberry Cheesequake from DQ is way better than the Cheesecake thing at Coldstone. I know these things. Trust me.
Tomorrow I will spend the day reading about Antonio Gramsci and his ideas about hegemonic culture. I want a really productive day tomorrow. I am going to work really hard. No internet tomorrow until 5pm.  Oh my thats a dangerous thing to type. If I put it on my blog I actually have to do it or else I'll feel guilty. I can't even imagine how much I will accomplish if I stay off of blogs and Facebook and and tumblr and about a billion other sites. Um yep.
Through out the blog today I have tried to inspire you with some of my cool DIY finds that have distracted me from my thesis writing. Yep there I admitted it. I've been a little distracted. :-/ Enjoy these DIYs and pray for me tomorrow as I try to work my butt off at Drake.


  1. I think you mean first world problem.

    A third world problem is dying of the flu or being unable to feed your children.

  2. ha wow. im tired. thanks I'll fix that now... embarrassed.

  3. I'll help you decorate your apartment when you get here!

  4. Okay Katie- and I'll babysit! I'm counting on Mason to keep away the baby fever! :)
