Tuesday, June 7, 2011


First I would like to start with this photo:
I love smooshed face animals. So that is a great dog...
And that is an awesome cat.
Okay now that the cheesy stuff is over back to real blogging. I'm going to be honest with my readers, all 30 of you (share with your friends!), I have been having a rough couple of weeks. I got spoiled being with my family and Chase for his graduation and I came back and it was cold, rainy, and lonely. Oh and I had/have a ton of homework to do.

I had always thought myself a "likes my alone time" person. I can only stand me for so long :) And lately I have been blessed to get to hang out with some amazing women (and their husbands!). Parties and cupcakes and tv watching - I just love being with people even if we're just watching tv and that's it... simple as that! 

School < classes themselves> aren't that bad. I really enjoy the professor for my 11-1230 class: Period, Style, and Form. Margaret is hilarious and I just enjoy talking to her and learning from her in general. Today I start my second intensive summer class. I don't really know what it will include but it is about Empathy and its a performance studies class. I'm interested in seeing what the plan will be for the course. That class meets for three hours a day for three weeks. Lots of studying performances. Hehe.

Thesis < the chapters > are planned and in process. Sometimes I find it so hard to work in my apartment because its so dimly lit. And there are so many surfaces I could just snuggle up and fall asleep upon instead of working. So I ventured over to the Wood County library - and was very pleased. It is a big open building with a big glass-ceiling'ed building with AIR CONDITIONING. Sometimes the BGSU library gets really hot and there are so many books I get distracted. Haha. So it looks like the Wood County Library and I are going to be come buddies. Plus they have a HUGE collection of books on tape! I love some books on tape.

The Wedding is getting closer. Save the Dates have been sent and as of yesterday invitations are designed and just waiting to be printed. It was a really stressful process for me to pick invites. First, THEY ARE CRAZY EXPENSIVE! Second, I wanted to make everyone happy. Third, I''m kind of a spaz. But Mom, Dad, and Chase empowered me to pick WHATEVER I wanted and with some help from of my friends I narrowed it down to four and then picked THE one. Whew.  We're basically at the point where most everything is planned. My mom has done an awesome job. I would not have been able to do any of it with out her. She's really good at finding vendors and things. And she's stylish. Plus, to be frank, its her/Dad's money that is getting spent so I like that she is in the middle of the decision process.  Oh! I found the perfect shoes for the wedding. They are just a little off-white so I will have to have them dyed but I love them. Um. thats all about weddings.

I am working on downsizing my "stuff" here in my apartment to make the move to Iowa. I was very thankful with a fellow BG student bought my bed, my bookcase, my sofa, and some other little things. The Big stuff is SOLD and only has to be moved across the street! Wooohooo. I took a bunch of clothes to the consignment store in town and will make a little money off of them. Not bad, I mean, I would have given them away anyway so why not earn a couple of trips to the DQ in the process. I think I have second set of stuff to take over this week. If youre in BG I suggest you go look at Mosaic (its next to Call of the Canyon) not only have I sold stuff there but I have found some great deals too. Like a beautiful new pair of Jcrew kitten heels.... yummy.  So if anyone needs a TV stand, a computer chair with its mat, or a dresser and lives in BG I can make you a great deal.... and you can save me from Craigslist!

I head back to the eye doctor today. Hope my eyes are going to cooperate so I can get some new contacts and new glasses. Lets keep our fingers crossed, It is supposed to rain today. Hurray! Blech is more like it.

Gotta make my lunch so I can make it through today's long day! Breaking out my little red cooler. Sometimes when I carry it to school people say it looks like I am transporting a kidney. :P

Thats all for now.

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