Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Musings During Hoarders 3.0

Gabby, my computer, is still broken.

This weekend was fun. I went shopping and bought the wildest yellow coat. I am very excited to recieve it. I am also very excited for Taco Tuesdays. I'm very thankful for my new buddy Christina, she is really quite fabulous. She and I have fun talking about so many silly things and it is really great!

Oh and I think a found a wedding dress... yes I know I said I was going to wear my Mom's dress but she's was/is built totally differently than me. I am for sure not going to post any links... you crazy? Plus Chase told me he doesn't want to see the dress until the day of the wedding. I read about 15 blogs about weddings, and some women share everysingle detail of their wedding. Thats not for me... one because I dont know any details, and two I want my guests to be surprised!
My cousin Megan had a beautiful baby girl this week. Her name is Zoe and I think she's really precious. I cannot wait to see my family and friends over Thanksgiving.

Okay. This is a lame post, I am really tired.
Better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Dear New Cousin-in-Law,
    You know, I could help with invites, if needed.
