The semester is for sure half over, and its all starting to get a little daunting. Not wild crazy unconquerable, just daunting. It seems that one of the term papers I am writing has NEVER EVER EVER been written about by ANY scholar in ANY language except French. And then, because I don't speak/read French, that is an assumption. Even the French might not know why Infante is a nessisary character in Cornielle's Le Cid. I hope that doesn't mean that she isn't nessisary. Bcause otherwise this paper would be dumb for me to write, it would be like writing "Yes, Arthur Miller wrote plays about Americans" or "Yes, Tony Kushner doesn't like Reagan" or "Sarah Kane writes icky plays" (thank you theatre people for understanding my point). For you non theatre types it would be like writing a paper that says "Indoor plumbing is good" or "Facebook and twitter are popular with kids these days" or "Lauren's mom looks fabulous for fifty" [Which by the way, she does-- Happy Birthday Mom!] I hope by now you see my point. If not. Oh well. I tried.
I would really like to get my computer back. My harddrive crashed and it is a hassle. Luckily, my fellow MA Ashley has let me borrow her netbook, but I think I might go blind if I try to do much more research on it. But, it gets the job done and I don't have to live in the library. Which means I don't have to walk to/from the library in the cold. Yes. It is finally starting to get cold in BG. There was even a little frost on Sadie, my subaru's window. I ordered the most amazing coat, and boy, its going to be needed and loved dearly. I mean, come on, do you really think I wouldn't love a bright yellow coat with toggles? Yeah. There is no way I wouldn't.
I have started a new project, well I'm not really sure its a project, but its a thing. Its called Nobuyvember. Some people do no shave Novemeber but that just leads to Dateless December. I just want to keep better track of what I spend. I'm not a crazy spender, in fact, I always have money left over at the end of the month, but I realized: the things I spend the most money on are bad for me junk foods. Now for those of you who don't know-- I will be getting married this time next year... and frankly no one really looks good in white. Plus December is an expensive month, not just for present buying, but for traveling, and party throwing, and awesome movie seeing, and hot chocolate with peppermint drinking... you get the picture. No this is No-buy-vember. My goal is to NEVER buy food from the student union or any where that has drivethrough. I waste a lot of money on four dollar yogurt parfaits and buck fifty cookies. Neither of which I need. Also, I am going to go as long as possible with out buying "stuff." Now I must disclose, that I did buy stuff this weekend, but that was on October 30 and 31. I'm excused.
Ill keep you updated on that. See how it goes. I just want to spend less and eat healthier. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a girl needs a Milkyway Latte or the new issue of The Knot magazine. But I'll start small and see how it goes.
Oh and done with my thesis. Ahh thesis. How you haunt me. I am really hoping that the papers I do this semester will inform my work on my thesis. Who am I kidding. I am purposely writing papers [excluding the pain in the butt Cornielle one] about Mormonn Representational Practices. I love when theatre and religion intersect. Very interesting.
Literally counting down the days until I get to go to NC for Thanksgiving. Simple as that. Excited.
Any day now I should recieve my assignment for that calendar swap thing I posted about a few weeks ago. I am very excited to figure out and find the perfect calendar for my assigned fellow blogger. I hope they get me something that when I'm done with the year I can frame the pictures or artwork. Something bright and colorful and vintage and modern [wait....] and it doesn't have to be all that practical. I won't write actual appointments on it- thats what agendas are for- but I want something to write happy things like birthdays and you know... weddings that might be happening in 2011. ( really love this one below from
So thats my make up "post with a cheesy title" since I was so out of it last night. I'd appreciate prayers for good sleep and productive work. Shoot, everyone in the department would probably appreciate those prayers.
And if youre not the praying type 1.) youre missing out :-) and 2.) Send happy vibes and prayers anway.
Once again. Happy Birthday to my Glorious Mom. Words can't really describe how awesome she is as a mother. I won't even try because I cannot do her justice. I wish I was there with you Mom. This whole living 20 hours apart and being super busy thing is stinky. Hope you have a great day.
By the way. I am beginning a list of the books I want to read after I finish graduate school. Feel free to suggest anything you think is interesting and fun. Except: Christian Romance novels [Redeeming Love is the ONLY good one ;) ], any other cheesy romance novels, books that include characters with furry feet and jewlery fetishes, Harry Potter anything, Vampire anything, or ummm I think thats all for now.. I'll let you know if more horrible genres/theme/booktypes pop into my head. Oh, and no self help books. I've still not mastered the Bible, and I've been reading that for years- don't add to my load ;).

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