Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scholarly Struggling

Wow. I come up with some of the silliest blog titles. Anyway. 

It is 9:15am on Sunday. If I may say so myself, I was really productive Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I did research, I outlined and then wrote 8 pages of a paper, and read read read. And then Saturday hit. I. was. not. productive. I tried, let me tell you I tried, but whew by the end of the day I had accomplished very little that was not related to napping for two hours at a time.

You see, I have my thesis idea all set up and organized. I have a committee chair, I have a tentative final due date. Yet, I cannot break that huge project down to decide what I can write 15 pages worth for a different class.  For those of you who haven't heard me geek out about it, I am writing my thesis on how Non-Mormons have represented Mormons in popular culture during the time of the first two Prophets and then again in modern times. So um yes. I need to write a paper on the first section- early Mormon representations. Um and somehow relate it to one of the theories we talked about in class. Um. Yeah. Struggling. I have all of the books I need, I have all the articles I could reference, and no idea what to write about. Oh and the prospectus is due Tuesday. Yikers.

On the much better side, I have to turn in the rough draft of my paper about French theatre and I am totally feeling confident about getting that done. I wrote most of it trapped in the box office, and that was actually a great thing. I promise you, that place is a liminal space, you leave there different than when you arrived.

I started buying CHRISTMAS PRESENTS this week. Chase's presents are really great. I love them and I think that he'll love them. And I think my parents will like their's also.

This week is going to be great. Very very great. I have decided. Productive and great. Because the next week is THANKSGIVING BREAK. I'll be with my parents, my fiance, and Flaming Amy. ;) I am excited to get to just have some time with them. But I am going to have to do some History homework. That 15 page historiography paper is daunting. Another paper about the 19th century and religion and popular culture. I'm predictable. I've already started praying for no snow and no flight delays. I'd appreciate you joining me in this prayer.

Finally, last night Christina, Slade, and I went to a good little Indian restaurant called Masala Cuisine of India. I had a bunch of food that I cannot properly pronouce (or spell). But I loved every single bit. Whew it was so good. Curry is just good for one's hard-worked soul. I am hoping that  curry leftovers will do the trick for me today and help me be productive.

Oh and one more thing. Does anyone know why my chrysanthemum is turing white when its supposed to be purple? Is it that it doesn't get enough sunlight? Not enough water?

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