Monday, February 14, 2011

College Curry

Hello! I am sitting here in my office in my apartment...
sweatpants on and listening to This American Life

I have decided to go a whole week with out Facebook and very limited television. Before you ask- yes I watched last nights Big Love. And I will watch House tonight. I am just not going to channel surf. I could watch Law and Order till my head explodes -- that is a waste. I have writing to do!

On top of that I am still trying to eat really well and get to a little bit healthier weight. So right now I'm eating what I call College Curry. It is basically take all of the veggies that would work with curry (I did onions, cubed sweet potatoes, garbanzo beans, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms) and cook them in a pot without any oil or anything bad for you. (Veggies in general are 0 on the Weight Watchers Scale) Then add some Light Coconut Milk and some Trader Joe's Thai Red Curry. Let slowly slowly slowly simmer.  Then Eat.

Crazy good y'all. Its kind of like a dump curry. Just throw everything you can in the pot and eat. I was going to add some spinach but I simply forgot it until now. Its not cultured. People who make real curry might scoff at its rudimentary nature. But oh well. Its nice to make food that tastes good and is tasty. Just have to be careful with the coconut milk and the curry sauce. Thats what would get you.

This week I really want to make some progress on my thesis chapters. By the end of this month I want to finish the chapter on 19th century melodrama. That means I'll be still on schedule. I love me a schedule. It got up to 42 degrees today. That is also something I love. Minus the puddles and the fear of someone splashing me with their car...

I am counting down the days till I head to Lynchburg. This has been the longest stretch of not seeing Chaser. I don't know how military wives do it! I cannot imagine going 6 months with out seeing him. I have nothing to complain about. G-chat is awesome. Seeing his face makes a big difference.

Well Loves, thanks for reading. Let me know if you have your own "college" version of good recipes.

Happy Valentines Day. I  think lots of people hate Valentines Day. "Single Awareness Day" they call it. I think that we as friends and family need to fight against this. I love lots of people. I want to let those people know. I'm going to work on that. See what I can do to spread the love... in a perfectly non-weird day.

So. Lots of love. If you need me- I'm here.

Photos via Design Crush

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