Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hello (3):Twelve(am); Hello (4):Thirteen(am); Hello? Sleep?

I am awake early this morning. Very early.

I used to sleep- I don't really remember when, but sometime back probably sometime in high school I used to go to bed nice and early and sleep until my Mom made me get out of bed and hit the shower... and then usually I'd sit back down in the shower and go back to sleep- which made for many a rushed-attending-school-wet-headed mornings. High-school was highschool. I took Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry which made for many a late night followed by many a sleeping in the shower mornings...

In Ecuador [I spent a couple of months there with Teen Missions International] I could sleep anytime and anywhere at the drop of a hat. Of course I had to wear ear plugs at night so I didn't hear the rats crawling on the roof... but a girl does what she has to do.

With the start of college at Liberty was the start of Debate. Debate - as if it wasn't stressful enough in the waking hours- has lots of late nights and early mornings. Many a time I would go back to my dorm, change in to practically pj's and walk back to the debate lab. Now, I must admit a lot of that time was spent singing show tunes with Stephanie, but I digress. And as any debater will tell you; there are few things less annoying than debate dreams. In these dreams you never have the right evidence, you can't ever find your tubs/partner/timer/flowpaper/computer/room/fillintheblank. As real as real can be these dreams plague your sleep on the bus to and from tournaments when you'd give anything just to sleep a little bit... and then as my non-debate roommate Martha would love to tell you... these dreams also just randomly have you yelling out arguments and begging the coach for just one more chance (please!) even once the debate season is over. [This is where I say I have been out of debate for what? Four or five years? And I still have nightmares about disappointing coaches and dropping in had one two nights ago... as if thesis writing wasn't stressful enough]

Once I got to UNCG I slept a little better. Bigger bed, nice dorm, friends introduced me to the music of Ratatat and Beruit, and I was over all happier. But then, in my second to last semester I assistant directed < with Miss Alex P. > Jim Wren's production of Evil Dead: The Musical. Probably one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had in college. The show was raunchy, hilarious, and full of incredibly talented performers and yes, we had a splatter zone for those of you who were wondering. But everynight I would wake myself up singing "Good Old Reliable Jake" and "Cabin in the Woods." Yeah. Not harmonious for restful sleep.  But the show ended and except for waking up too early because I was worried I would be late for student teaching I found out how to sleep through the night again.

Summers are summers. I can sleep all day everyday. Must be the humidity and the heat.
Maybe thats the secret.

Here in BG its not the stress, its not the horrid weather, its not the living alone that is keeping me awake. MY BUILDING the literal building itself is REALLY loud. Water rushing through the walls, the shower upstairs, people walking to their apartments on the wood planked walkway... and that doesn't even begin to deal with the normal "I live in a college town apartment complex" problems. Holy cow. Now I will admit. I go to bed really early for a graduate student. Um the same time I went to bed in high school... but when you're waking up as much as I do you have to make up for lost time somehow!  Tonight/This morning was one of those more than normal loud nights. The people upstairs had friends over, okay it is a Saturday and some people do have lives, and those friends were standing on the aforementioned wood plank walkway that is right above my bedroom window [drunkenly] talking and smoking. Oh my goodness. I learned way more about them than I ever needed to know. Eventually, hood up and slippers on, I stepped out of my apartment and said, "Yall, can you be a little quieter, its really echo-y down into my apartment." They were really apologetic and its now quiet.

But its also 5:53 on a Sunday and I am awake.

Whats funny is now that I have been up for about 45 minutes or so I can go back in to my room, turn on some Adventures in Odyssey [again, I love it, always have, always will, don't judge it mutes out the loud apartment] and sleep till 9 or so.

Guess that's progress.
(Even though Graduate school has taught me to problamatize the Hegelian notion of Progress)

Good morning/night!

(don't get the title? Looks up "Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love" from A Chorus Line
-- yes. its a show tune [and as it seems to be happening a lot lately, a Glee] reference.)

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