Saturday, August 13, 2011

Warning!! Warning!!

Got your attention eh? The warning is that you might need to steer clear of me this afternoon because I am going to get a TRIM just a TRIM haircut. If the stylist cuts too much I'm going to make a hurricane look tame...

Well not really. Its just hair... and hair grows back.  So all of that was just a ploy to get you interested in this blog post. :)

Speaking of hurricanes though-- yesterday we had a tiny mini one here in Jacksonville. It looked like a hurricane outside. The sky was grey, it was crazy windy, and you couldn't see through the rain. The neighborhood was a mess afterwards. Limbs everywhere. There was even a broken tree down the street.
Oh my goodness I'm talking about the weather... I have hit a blogging low...

So yeah we lost power so I couldn't watch episodes of Big Love so instead I went shopping with my Mom. That being said I didn't get enough work done yesterday. I have a list...

And has lots of stuff to accomplish. Notice my love note from Emily and my Goat from Chase. Oh! Chase has started a great new blog-- hope he doesn't mind me sharing -- that has great stuff.  Chase is a great writer. He finds interesting articles and puts them together so you don't have to go hunting for the good stuff.


I just got back from getting my hair cut and it went great. I saw Kathy (Cathy?) at Bella Salon and she did amazing job and she was super duper fun. So no hurricane needed.

I'm going to make a cup of coffee and get back to work. Yes. We bought K-Cups yesterday. I get to have real coffee. Whew.

I can't really focus on anything else interesting. Did you notice my new title for my blog? I am still searching for the right title once I move to DSM... but this will do for now! Alright my thesis is calling me... and I can't ignore her anymore. Shes like a pesky telemarketer or something. :)

Saw this today at Lowe's... Corn Carpet? Wha??
See photographic proof...
 and Mom just showed me this great video!
Trust me-- its great and worth the two minutes!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the haircut turned out well-- let's see some photos! =) I got a bad cut right after the wedding when I got some bangs cut again, so I'm heading to a grand opening thing at Ulta tomorrow to see if they can fix it. Hurray for sales on haircuts!
