Tuesday, May 3, 2011

17 Days of Summer- Day 4&5

Yesterday was day four, today is day five. Okay that was the obvious part of the blog.

I have been very lazy (Okay maybe thats obvious too...) the last couple of days. Lots of naps, not a lot of working. Yesterday (Monday) was pretty productive but that is simply because things are starting to become due. I just finished my annotated bibliography for Feminist Theory and now I am avoiding finishing my paper. But once I do... Once I finally do... I will have finished yet another semester of graduate school.

I will leave the house today to go to the pizza party at school. Maybe, its raining and gross out and that would require me getting dressed into real clothes. Wow. Thats pretty sad. I get to go home soon. So soon. As soon as things are wrapped up here I am on my way to Chase and my Parents. Cannot wait. In all honesty they are the motivating factor everyday. Just keep going- whatever gets you through.

Oh and shopping. That gets me through too ;) Yesterday I went to Target to return somethings and of course I bought some more. Like this bathing suit:
And I also bought one that is yellow and really classic, but I can't find a photo of just the suit (with out a model who needs a cheeseburger) so you'll just have to trust me on that one.

I um... also... bought some shoes. They were on sale! I had to! Oh goodness. I am capitalism's slave. There I said it. The healing can now begin... as long as I don't have to stop shopping. :)

Just a reminder kids Mother's Day is the weekend. At least send her a snail mail card. Its the least you can do. After all she did put up with you at your worst.

I'm getting frustrated with this car-wreck-court-case that I am involved in right now. Yes. I did rear-end someone. Five years ago-- and just now we're getting around to the actual case. Bleck. I am supposed to give a deposition this Friday around 1:30. But I might have to give it in the presence of a court reporter. But I dont know. The other side's lawyer hasn't let me know. I am just getting a little impatient. Cause if I don't have to be with the court reporter then I can leave earlier to go see my Chaser.

I really should start editing. Part of the problem is that my paper is already 10 pages long and there is a lot more left to add. I don't know how to make that happen. I'm stuck. I hoped I could make it longer, but the professor wants it conference length. Which is the best method, but doesn't make my life any easier! So thats tonight. Plus dinner with Slade and Christina. Oh and - of course- Glee.

My blogs have been dull lately. Thats cause life has been dull lately. I am really looking forward to warmer weather and time to go to the park and read. I know I shouldn't totally live life waiting for things to happen- I'm working on it..

Oh btw we're about 171 days from the wedding.

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