Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Blog Ever?

So the Rapture is supposed to happen tomorrow evening. The way I look at it is that I am set and ready to go! If it happens tomorrow okay, if it happens tonight okay, if it doesn't happen in my lifetime okay. The only thing that this whole "end of the world" buzz has done for me is cause me to really consider how I "share the gospel" or how I tell others about what I believe and how it is important to me. At the risk of turning some readers off, I want to share with everyone that I have began praying for opportunities to share my faith with others and perhaps have them to come to realize how important my relationship with the Lord has become in my life.

But, I hope the world doesn't end tomorrow, I have a thesis I want to conquer, a wedding dress to wear, and a wonderful man to marry. So Lord... if its your will... wait another eighty years. -Hahah.

I met with my thesis advisor today and planned out more work to do over the summer. He's not on contract for the summer so he technically can't do any advising or stuff like that. And hey, he deserves summer break too! So we sat around and figured some stuff out and I am excited to start working on it everyday. Beginning Monday, I will work from 8-10 on my thesis, go to class from 11-1230, take a break from 12-200 and then work from 2-4. I love a routine.

I am also trying to figure out a trip to NYC to see The Book of Mormon. I am in the process of getting all the logistics organized. Also trying to figure out the moving to Iowa process. Meaning what is the cheapest and most effective way of getting my stuff from here to there...

And on top of those two (fun) things I am trying to figure out my teaching licenses for Iowa and substituting in NC. Its harder for me to substitute in  NC then actually teach in Iowa. If anyone who reads this has connections- make it happen!
I just want to have a job from August-October. A temp job or something anything. Something hopefully above minimum wage...  I'm trusting the Lord to make it happen...

So. What else. Nothing much.

My save the dates and new sewing machine arrive tomorrow! Wonderful! I am looking for good sewing projects to get started- send me your ideas.

Short and simple blog.

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