Thursday, September 29, 2011

23 days... and 23 hot glue burns

I was supposed to nanny this morning but sick kids kept their Mom home - so I have the morning free.

Yesterday I spent the ENTIRE day working on a project that will be my own twist on this:

Of course, as perfectionist I some times become, the pinwheels look perfectly uniform just in lots of different sizes. But Lordy, Hot Glue guns could be used as a form of torture.. I guess thats kinda like being tarred and feathered...anyway. But its worth it.

I have a feeling that today is going to be an emotional day. I'm kind of tired already and I need to spend the day going through my "keepsakes" that are stored in my closet. Lots of old cards and little tokens that hold memories. I am really going to have to evaluate if I need to keep things to "keep the memory" or if I have the memory with out the material item. Can you tell I'm a devoted fan of Hoarders?

Okay, so I think the new facebook formatting will break me of my facebook habit.

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